Banging sisters bestie amie cage sex story

Banging sisters bestie amie cage sex story
A simple morning shower changes everything. First of an long saga

The day was long. It started before 5 this morning when my alarm went off.
Every day was the same, wake up, shit, shower, shave, go to the diner, meet up with my coworkers, eat crappy eggs, and head to a 12er fixing carding machines and other bullshit.
I had gotten in late last evening after staying out with friends from work.
We went to a local bar for a few drinks. It was the local hangout, where you know almost every single person there. Either from school, work, or the general area.
You also know whose there after a long day to unwind, and whose there not to unwind, but get wound up for a fight. A horrible realization that took me almost a year to realize is that there is also a subset that is there simply because that’s all they do, work, and drink, they need one for the other. A horrible life to live, and I was falling in to it
What did I have to look forward to, one of the local girls, with no more ambition then to get a husband and a pension, live in a rundown house, maybe fuck the neighbor who was out on disability for a change of pace.
Well, I had a chance, I was meeting with the management for a supervisor position. Something that I needed certifications for, and they paid, the would pay for the night school so I could get it, and then cover their ass for the next arm that got wrecked, or finger chopped off. And, the mill would keep going.
I grabbed a towel, started trudging to the shower so I can get ready for the day in front of me. I have an appointment for a possibly better position, yes, within the mill, but, it’s off the floor, and I might be able to make a better place for myself, getting up and moving to better pay and finally, finally, get out of my parent’s house.
My eyes aren’t working, my brain is still in neutral, I’m feeling the beer form last evening. I didn’t have much, but I’m no longer I my early twenties, I can’t handle what I used to.
My sister’s door is closed, the light is out, and the only noise coming from inside is a heavy snoring. Man, for a little girl, she can wake the dead when she is out. Her snoring sometimes gets to the point that my parents want to take her to a specialist to see if it’s something wrong with her, but the mill insurance won’t cover it.
I get to the bathroom door, push open and as I enter, I remove the towel, reach for the light and take the 2 steps to the can.
Halfway thru my second step I hear an intake of breath, not mine, mind you. WTF!?!
In the mirror, I see a little eyeball, wide, staring at my junk that is just hanging there in the air. I see a little bit of red hair sticking out from the shower as well.
Fuck me, it’s Ami, my sister’s best friend. The girl lives a few streets over. Her parents are going through some shit right now, and she seems to be spending more and more time here then at home.
Now, I’m not a fucking monster, I don’t get complaints, I’m not going to win a cock contest anytime soon. I'm a good size, nice girth, the girls like it. And I’ve got about 8 inches. I never measured myself, I’m much more confident then that. And, hey, no ones put in any bitching and moaning complaint sin my box yet, so why even do the math.
But, to a girl her age, and her size, I had to look like King-fucking-Kong. I mean, she was 4 foot 8 at most, if she was 80 pounds with a wet jacket and fishing weights in her pockets, I’ll eat my shoe.
My sister and her friend were the nerds of nerds, they loved Doctor Who, Star Trek, Stra Wars, The Hobbit, etc., etc., you get it, they were the anthesis of what I was in school. I was all about football, hockey, and from about the eighth grade, getting into a girl’s pants.
I got good grades, wasn’t a stand out, but could carry my own in most subjects, I hated history, just couldn’t stand it.
Steff, she was a Renaissance girl, loved being the Maiden, the folklore of our area, sailing ships and anything to do with historic fiction and fantasy.
Her and Ami would get dressed up and run around the backyard and at the park and play their version of lurking, or larping, or snarking, or some fucking thing, I don’t remember what they called it. They had fun, so who was I to shit on their parade. I did have to tell a few other to back off, or I would introduce them to one of my sister’s swords. Hey, she’s my baby sister, if you have a problem with her and her nerd ways, you have a problem with me!
I was used to Ami being around. When my mom and dad would go out their one night a month to the casino a few hours away, I was the one that had to look after the two, now, high schoolers.
It was normally a night of geeky movies, funny sounding foods and a pizza and me being forced to have my fingernails painted, my long hair braided and getting an education in the newest updates of Yoda on Star Trek and how Fido was fighting Merlin for the shrine some shit like that.
Life could be worse, I could be like friends of mine who had to live together, 5 men in their twenties, sharing a singlewide where the electricity was off more than on. Smelling like sweat, lusting over even the shittiest of women that would never give them the time of day of hey could ever read a watch.
Where was I, Oh yeah.
“Ami!” I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself. Get out here, what are you doing hiding back there?”
“Steff was snoring so much I came in here and laid in the tub to get some sleep. You came through the door and I woke up. Sorry Matt.” Her eyes kept flicking to the towel.
“Yeah, her buzzsaw can be a fuckin’ buzzkill, can’t it.”
“Umm, yeah.”
“Look, Ami, I’m sorry, I didn’t even know you were here when I got in earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t scare me, I’ve seen one before. I used to babysit for a family down the street when they would go pout for the weekend. Once, the dad came home drunk, forgot he was at the motel with the mom and came home. He came in the room and tried getting in bed with me, he was naked. I ran home screaming. Man, my dad was pissed, beat him bad.”
“Well, I hope you’re not going to tell your dad or mine about this.”
“Nah, I was the one asleep in the tub. I’m sorry, let me get out so you can get your shower.”
She was wearing pajamas with Hello Kitty prints on them, cute, well worn, there was a hole in the knee of one leg, and a sewn up tear that was on her left butt cheek. It was then that noticed, she had a cute little ass, she wasn’t a little kid anymore, she was starting to fill out.
She had little bumps as tits, tiny, barely noticeable. I could see her hips had widened some, the PJ bottoms were tighter, getting short on her. He little ass, it was sticking out nicely. Seems her ass was going to be her best feature this summer when she comes swimming, I’m going to have to keep an eye on that.
“I’ll go back to the bedroom and try to stuff pillow in my ears, or cover her face with a pillow or something. How do you guys sleep with her racket every night?”
“Ha, my parents have it easy, they’re upstairs, other end of the house. I lucked out and have the room next to her, lucky fucking me. Do me a favor, pillow, her face, there’s a twenty in it for ya’.”
“Fifty, and you have yourself a deal.” She held out her hand. Hell, Ami was growing up with a sense of humor, not everything was about a light knife or some other nerdy shit.
I made a joke with my hindbrain and wasn’t even thinking when I did. “Hell, a hundred if your in my bed when I get out to keep me warm toasty, and we can discuss the hit.”
She looked at me with a tilt to her head, and I caught my fuckup. “Shit, Ami, sorry, I was joking, I was joking.”
“No problem, Matt, what, you thought I was going to take you up on it? What do you think I am? I’m not that hard up.” Her eyes then looked down at my growing issue and stepped out of the room with the door closing behind her.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, I have to be careful, she was young enough that I could get myself in serious trouble for making jokes.
I started the shower, shaved while it got hot and did the 5 minute Navy shower my dad likes to promote. ‘Saves money, let’s us all in, we have hot water too, yadda, yadda, fucking yadda.’
I toweled off, cleaned up and was walking down the hall, passed the sound of the ripsaw. Poor Ami, she didn’t get her to stop snoring. That girl has a fortitude.
I tossed the towel in the hamper as I opened my door, got in and closed the door, finally, safe, I can relax for a minute before getting dressed to meet Gavin at the diner.
I grabbed my drawers, a t-shirt and went to fall back on the bed.
There was a squeal, and I thought I was going to spin on to the floor trying to turn in midair. I made it halfway before ending up fully on the bed, Ami was under the quilt, me laying naked on top of it.
I hoped up and covered myself like I was a cartoon character, holding my shirt and wadded up boxers in front of me.
“What the fuck Ami!?!”
She had her glasses on, she looked for all the world the little girl geek. Her hair pulled back into a ponytail, slightly askew on the back of her head. The covers pulled up like a shield tight against her, her mouth in a startled ‘O’.
I was laying next to her and I noticed a few things more.
Her Hello Kitty top wasn’t on, her shoulders were bare, smooth, soft looking, very pale, and very nice looking.
She had been in my room with the lights off.
She didn’t yell or scream, she just sat there, a slight smile on her face.
She was looking at me with a different look on her face.
“Umm, Ami, this is where you’re supposed to apologize, get up and go into the other room.”
“Yeah, if I had clothes on, I could do that. . .”
“Ami, what? Why aren’t you wearing your PJs?”
She looked at me with a look that I knew I was in trouble, a whole world of fucking trouble if I didn’t control things.
I got up and turned away from her, then I reminded myself that I had nothing on, and my ass was bare right in her face.
“Matt, get under the covers with me, I’ll get you warmed up. Won’t cost you a thing, I promise.”
What the fuck? What the fuck? My sister’s best friend, all fourteen or fifteen years old of her was telling me to get under the covers with her. I was naked, she at best had her underwear on, at worst, was naked as well. Or, did I have that backwards. What the fuck are you thinking, moron!
Her voice sounded like it was pleading with me, or was I reading too much into that?
Fuck! What am I going to do?
The room was cold, it was the beginning of December after all. There was frost on the window, and the Maine winter was only a short two weeks away.
Should I get in bed with her?
It was my bed!
I was cold.
No one was awake in the house.
My brain did that thing where it got stuck in neutral again, my body responded before conscious thought and rationality kicked in to keep me safe.
I grabbed the quilt and blanket under and hopped in.
As soon as I did, I felt my body slide next to her tiny skin. I felt her silky smooth leg, my chest against her arm. She was warm, no, she felt hot under the covers. Am I was tucking the quilt under my arm, I felt her turn, her small little breast rubbed against my forearm, no bra, trainer or otherwise, she was naked from the waist up I surmised.
My body responded viscerally, I found myself breathing harder, matching her breaths. My cock was getting hard, rapidly, I could feel it and noticed it pushing on the bedding.
I felt her against me, she had no panties on, she was pressed against me, one of her legs softly slip up my hip and over my leg, and I felt nothing between her and me, nothing at all. It was like adrenaline was shot into my cock, it went from growing, to rock fucking solid in two beats of my heart.
Her soft leg, the smooth inner part of her thigh was sliding over it as she was sliding herself on top of me.
Oh fuck, I’m gonna get in trouble, deep fucking trouble.
Her leg slid over me, it was skinny, soft, I didn’t notice any stubble or anything by smoothness that was too erotic.
Her small body was sliding on top of me, she felt so small, childlike, tiny. I felt her gliding over my cock, her smooth inner thigh, then, the burning heat of her young pussy was rubbing over me, coming to a stop with my pressed between her legs. I could feel the slight slit of her pussy, I felt no hair, nothing but softness, heat, and a slight dampness.
He small flat chest was pressed against my upper stomach, below my pecs. I was two-and-a-half times her size. She was tiny, so small, she felt vulnerable, innocent, and desirable.
My hind mind wanted to take her, now, here, fuck consequences, fuck morality, fuck what was right and wrong, it wanted this girl, this virginal innocence that was teasing me.
My rational mind was screaming to get out of bed, break contact, make the right decision and save a life of hurt and pain at someone else’s hands, namely Bubbah in some closed in space.
My hind mind, it didn’t listen, that dumb fuck. It acted, purely of instinct, out of need, out of some base-brain bullshit.
I put my one hand under the little girl’s ass, her tiny, compact little bubble butt. Lifted her slightly, and with my other hand I grabbed my throbbing cock, moved it so the head was touching her tiny lips.
I heard her breath in and hold it, her eyes were scrunched closed, tightly.
“Do it Matt, do it, I want you to do it. Please Matt, I, I love you.”
The little girl’s lips pressed on to mine. She didn’t really have experience kissing and she simply pushed her lips against mine closed and wobbly like. I moved my hand from her ass to the back of her neck, when it closed on her I pressed my tongue into her mouth.
She responded like it was second nature, out tongues spun around each other and I pressed the head of my cock against her tight little pussy slit. It was sliding, the little bit of moisture to come out of her was giving me some lubrication, it would never be enough. She was too tight, too small, and I was too big.
I broke the kiss, “Ami, this isn’t right.”
“Yes, it is, I want this, you’re not taking it, I’m giving it to you. I love you Matt.”
“Ami, I’m going to hurt you if you keep trying to force me into you. It’s really going to hurt.”
“I need to be wet, you need to be wetter.”
“Wetter, my kitty is wetter than it’s ever been!”
I gently moved her back to the bed.”
“Matt, please, please, I want to make love with you!”
“Ami, hold on a sec, just wait.”
I reached into my nightstand and got some of the lotion I keep there. Yeah, well, fuck you too, everyone does!
I moved down and got under the covers, kissing her neck as I went further down her tiny body. She was breathing hard, her pulse was throbbing, her little heart racing in her chest. Shen my lips found a tiny nipple, it was the smallest I had ever sucked on. Her breath caught in her throat. She pressed her tiny chest up into my mouth.
I sucked and flicked with my tongue, it drove her wild.
Oh my god, this girl was going to be a handful in the sack. If she was responding this way to me sucking on her little titty, what was she going to do next.
I moved lower, kissing her flat stomach, dragging my lips along, feeling her small abs, she was in great shape, I never noticed before. But, then again, I never saw her without a shirt, or a one piece bathing suit on, and, honestly, I never looked to see if she was fit or anything, she was my little sister’s friend, why would I have looked?
I moved lower, slowly wedging her legs apart as I slipped lower r and between them.
My mouth was just coming up on her tiny pussy when I noticed, she had no hair, she was as smooth as a baby, no stubble, nothing, she didn’t even have hair starting to come in yet from her last waxing.
One thing about girls in this little mill town, they kept themselves smooth. I never had a girl from town that had a lick of hair down there.
I heard her, she whined a little, she mumbled my name, and grabbed my hair, her fingers lacing through, holding, pulling me to her pussy.
I felt the heat coming from between her legs, I could smell a fresh, clean scent, slightly musky, but sweeter than any of the few girls I have ever been with.
I scent was familiar, similar to a scent I smelled before. Holly shit, she smelled like her sister!
Judy and I had a drunken night in high school one night. It was in the woods one night after a bonfire. I had all but forgot about it. She ignored me afterwards, so I thought maybe she didn’t enjoy it. We exchanged hello’s and what’s up’s occasionally until graduation. Then, she was gone. I didn’t find out until later, she was at college, got pregnant and is now married to some truck driver in Nova Scotia.
Fuck, her baby sister was just like her.
I used my hands to open her pussy. She was just a slit, no lips, no meat curtain, whatever you want to call it, she was just a spit between her legs.
My tongue found he tight little opening, I pushed in and tasted her, man, she was fresh, new, unviolated tasting. Knowing I was the first person to touch her like this almost made me cum right then.
I moved up some and sucked onto her surprisingly large clit. For such a small and young girl, she had a rather large clit. Oh, it was magnificent, I pulled that button into my mouth and licked, I sucked, she was grinding and bucking her hips.
I built up a rhythm, sucking it in, flicking and then sliding it out. If I didn’t know better, it was like I was giving her head. It was driving the little girl wild. I was afraid she might make too much noise, I could still hear my sisters snoring, and that was a mask unto itself for this.
I drove my tongue deep into her pussy and felt her hymen, yup, still a virgin, this was more than I could ask for.
I pitoned my tongue in and out of her for a few minutes, felt and tasted her getting wetter and sloppier. And then, I tested the waters, I lowered my tongue to her little butthole. She tried wiggling away from me, pulled my hair to make me stop, she was murmuring “No, Matt, not ther, no, please, no.”
I stopped and grabbed the lotion.
Putting some on my fingers I smeared it around her tiny pussy and made sure some was in her.
I popped out of the covers and took a breath of the cold bedroom air.
“Matt, that, that was incredible. Why’d you stop?”
“Because, Ami, I really want to fuck you.”
“You, y-you do? Y-you want to f-fuck me, r-really?”
“Yes baby, I want to make love with you and feel you around me.”
“Matt, do you have a rubber? I don’t want to get pregnant.”
“Have you had your period yet this month?”
“No, not yet Why?”
“Then, you can’t get knocked up.”
“Are you sure? Judy got pregnant and she had to get married, I don’t want to get married yet.”
“Trust me, you won’t get pregnant.”
“I trust you Matt, I’m just scared.”
She sobbed a little, she was in over her head, but I wasn’t going to stop now. No fucking way!
I kissed her and she kissed me back, then pulled her head away. “What’s that taste?”
“Your pussy, that’s what you taste like.”
“Wow, it tastes totally different then your sister.”
What!?! My sister.
“We, umm, play sometimes, she tastes different, totally different.”
Okay, that was news, serious news.
Somewhere in my hind brain, I was going to have to babysit them more often. Stop you fucking pervert, she’s your goddammed baby sister, have what’s in front of you, stop thinking that way!
“Umm, OK.” And I left it at that.
I laid back down, and lifted her back up so she was laying on my chest.
“Is this going to hurt Matt?”
“It might a little, at first, but it gets better quickly.”
“OK, I-I trust you.”
I moved my cock against her slick and slippery little pussy, she felt it in flinched a little.
“Don’t hurt me Matt, please, be gentle.”
I kissed her and told her I would.
I pressed and the head of my cock slid right into her, bumping up against her hymen. She gulped in a deep breath and held it, looking in to my eyes, she was scared to death, she looked even younger, he eyes were big behind her glasses and looked huge.
There was something about this little girl wearing her glasses as I took her virginity, something hot, verboten, something so wrong that it was so sexually stimulating that it made me want to cum inside her right then, there, that second.
I controlled myself, And applied a bit of pressure.
She flinched again and pulled away from me, so I put more upwards pressure against her, she couldn’t get any further up, and I pressed against her,
When she slowly pressed down, I felt a slight give, she cried out a small amount and clutched me with her arms, My cock slid in another inch, I was through.
Her pussy felt like a fist, she was tighter then any girl I was ever with. She was clutching at me with her pussy like it was a fight.
I had taken the virginity of three girls in high school. And, not a single one was as tight, as fucking tight as a fist that I felt her. My god, her pussy was almost too small for me to fit into. I didn’t want to hurt her, so I backed off some. She let out a breath when the pressure reduced.
“Please Matt, be gentle, it hurts, god, ithurts right now.
I use dmy hand sot squeeze her ass, I smoothed them down her thighs and then back up and cupped her tiny ass. She started moving a little, pressing, so I kept up the rubbing, and she took care of getting more of me deeper into her.
I lifted my head and sucked on her flat chest, going from nipple to nipple, and ech time I switched, she pushed harder, forcing me into her. I nibble don one of her nipples and she cried out, louder then she did before. And he pushed until her pussy had every inch of me inside her.
Oh, her pussy was smooth, slick, tight, hot, and oh, so fucking nice. She was rocking ever so slightly on me, I moved a little and she pulled me to her, kissing, my mouth covered her, we kissed and I slid a finger up my shaft, getting it slick with her juices and some of the lotion.
I smeared it around her little butthole. She moaned into my mouth and broke the kiss, “No, not there, please, no.”
I rocked into her a bit, and she put her head on to my chest. I kept the slight motion up, it wasn’t a full on fuck, but I was making headway sliding my cock in and out of her baby pussy.
When I felt her bump into me, I pressed even harder into her and she grunted against my chest, a nonsense word fell out of her lips. I did it again and her grunt came again. I then pressed my finger against her little hole. She whimpered, but didn’t say anything.
We were sweating under the heavy quilt, her skin sliding against mine, we were building to a proper fuck, she was increasing the speed and how far she pulled off me, finally, my cock was out of her util just the head was inside her. I pressed all the way, sliding my entire length into her. She grunted a multiple tone grunt, like a cross between pain and pleasure, tapering off to nothing. When she pulled back again, I kept my finger at her ass, she slid off my cock almost all the way and doing so pressed my finger into her ass.
A low, long, animalist grunt came from her lips, “No, oh god no.” And he withdrew and then pressed right back.
“No, not my hiney, augh, no, please, augh, augh.”
I kept the pace up, my cock was now going in and out of her, deeply penetrating her, making her grunt with each plunge.”
On the next meeting, I pressed against her, I felt my cock slide even deeper, and the tip scraped against something deep inside her, it was a solid protrusion, when that happened, she started to convulse, I saw her open her mouth to yell or something and smothered her with my mouth, she yelled into me, screamed really, but it was a muffled sound. Her pussy got even tighter if that was possible. It was squeezing me to where it felt like she was trying to tear my cock from my body.
I was pounding into her, as deep as I could go, brushing the protrusion inside her, driving her mad with lust. It was banging into my cock every time I thrust against her.
I felt her hand push my hand off her ass, she then stuck her own finger into her ass and was thrusting her middle finger in and out of her own ass as she violently shook on me.
She then collapsed and was limp on my chest, panting and breathing and muttering nonsense.
I rolled her, she was floppy, her muscle tone was gone. She lay there, under me, looking in to my eyes, she looked like she was pleading something as I started to thrust into her.
Her eyes got wide, her spindly little legs wrapping themselves around my hips. She snaked her arms around my neck and pulled me to her.
“Oh god Matt, what, oh, deeper, Matt, fuck me, please, make me feel that again. Matt, harder.” And she started crying there were tears in her eyes, she was crying full on tears as I continued to slide into her willing pussy.
“Ami, Ami, I’m going to cum, Ami!”
“No, not I me, please, I can’t get pregnant!”
“Ami, I’m cumming! Oh fuck, Ami!”
I felt the vise like grip of my balls contracting, sucking up into my belly. An electric shock went through me, and a hot spike ran the length of my cock as I erupted inside the little girls waiting pussy.
I could feel the slickness added to her and the lotion, I was able to slide almost friction free in and out of her as she whimpered in my arms, under my body weight.
I grunted and said her name as she ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me with every thrust deeper into her. She was repeating a mantra, “No, no, no, no.”
Her legs then crushed around me. “Oh, Matt, Oh.”
I thrust one last time, the most exquisite feeling in my life ran through me as I felt the last blast of cum spill into my little lover.
I collapsed on top of her, and rolled next to her, my cock popping out of her pussy, cum running out of her onto my bed.
She reached down and got some on her fingers, she tasted it and looked at her fingers. As my eyes focused, I could see a mixture of cum, her glistening wetness and an ever so slight pick color.
Her gaze then turned to me, our eyes met and she looked like she was going to start crying again.
I pulled her to me and she put her head in the crook of my arm, and started to cry, lightly and gently.
“Do, d-do you love me?”
Oh, fuck, what the hell do I say.
“Ami, your great, that was incredible, you’re such a sexy girl.”
“B-but, d-do you l-love me?”
“Ami, I love you, you’re great.”
She kissed my cheek.
“What happens if I get pregnant? Will you marry me?”
What the fuck!?!
“Ami, you’re not going to get pregnant. Put your PJs on and go wash yourself in the bathroom.”
She hopped up and was out of the room in a minute.
I was laying there, wiping off my cock and just tossed the washcloth into the open hamper when I saw my sister standing in the door, looking at me.
Oh fuck, I’m dead and I just don’t realize it yet.
“Hey Steff, you’re up earlier.”
Oh shit!
She walked into my room and walked right up to me and sat on my bed.
My room smelled of sex, it smelled of little girl sex, lotion, and a hint of strawberry that Ami wore.
“I heard what was going on in here Matt.”
Oh fuck, dead, simply dead, I was going to spend the rest of my life in a cell with a big fucker named Bubbah, being his bitch!
“What makes you think I’m not going to go and tell mom and dad right this second you didn’t just fuck Ami?”
‘Umm. . .”
“She’s fourteen Matt, fourteen fucking years old!”
“Umm. . .”
“She’s the same age as me.”
Then Steff blew my mind, she leaned in and kissed me. “The same age as me, Matt”
“Uh, Steff. . .”
“If you don’t show me what you did to Ami, I’m going to tell on you guys.”...

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