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Daddy encourages his son’s action with mom and sisters. Dad and mom discover more about Racey, their non-virgin 16year-old daughter.
Entering the kid’s bedroom, Duane saw the twins had put on their night shirts. They were setting next to each other. Keith was wearing his gym shorts, setting a few feet from them on the same bed. Mary, wore her long t-shirt. It covered her lovely 34-DD tits, and was long enough to cover below her waist. She sat on the opposite bed, facing the kids.
Duane walked into the bedroom completely naked. His cock had a little life, but was far from hard. He sat by Mary, placing his right hand on her left leg, at mid-thigh. His fingers moved gently over her leg. It was just his custom, his way of being close to her.
“Roxy,” Duane said softly, “Are you OK Sweetie?”
Roxy, looking down at the floor, her arms interlocked with her twin sister, Racey’s arms. “I’m OK,” she replied. Of all four, Duane knew, the events of tonight had been the most traumatic on her.
Turning to Racey, Duane noticed, she was not looking at the floor. Rather, her eyes were fixed on Duane’s cock. He asked if she was OK.
“I’m just fine…” Racey said, her eyes never moving from his crouch. Then, lifting her eyes to his, Racey said, “…daddy.”
Duane realized in that moment, the reaction of his two daughters was completely different.
As he spoke to the girls, Duane’s finger tips moved softly over Mary’s leg. Her skin was soft and warm. But there was something more. There was a slightly sticky wetness. Glancing down to her upper thigh, Duane saw a large patch of – cum. It was Keith’s cum, probably slipped from her pussy when she stood, or perhaps it had fallen from his cock when he moved from her.
At this realization, Duane’s cock made a small move, growing just a little bit harder. He didn’t want to do more tonight, he felt the kids had been sufficiently introduced to their new life for one night.
“I’m going to get us some soft drinks and snacks from the vending machines. Why don’t you three take a shower and we will talk more about all this tomorrow. Keith,” Duane said, “come with me. I’ll need some help carrying everything.”
Duane grabbed his jeans, then the two walked to the snack machines.
Encouraging Keith to Pursue his Mom.
“I didn’t want to say anything in front of the girls, but I wanted to say -- you did very good with Roxy. You were gentle with her when you fucked her.” Duane paused, letting the odd compliment sink in.
“That man made me,” Keith said, half apologizing.
“Son, I’m not mad at you. In fact, I’m very proud of you.”
Keith looked at his dad, still with a sheepish look on his face.
Duane decided to push the limits a little. “The way you fucked your mom, I was concerned you would do that to your little sister too. But you took it easy on Roxy, unlike the way you fucked mom.” Duane needed to see Keith’s reaction to his statement.
“Do you think mommy is made at me?” he asked.
“Keith, you are 14 now, almost a man.” Duane waited a couple second, then proceeded. “Did you hear your mom moan – when you were fucking her?” Duane was about to push Keith to the next step of his plan.
Keith nodded his head – yes.
“You know what that means, don’t you?” Duane wanted Keith to come to the correct conclusion. “She was enjoying what I was doing?” Keith asked slowly.
Duane saw a small smile crossed Keith’s face. He also saw something getting hard in Keith’s gym shorts.
“Can I tell you something – man-to-man,” Duane asked, in a proud tone, “I enjoyed watching you with mom. I bet she wants you to do that again.” Looking at Keith, Duane waited for his reaction.
Keith’s eyes widened slightly, at the revelation. “Really,” he asked, in a semi-excited tone. “Dad, can I tell you something – man-to-man,” Keith said, copying his dad’s words, “I’d… like to.”
Duane’s plan was working better than he had imagined. He could hardly believe his fortune.
“I’ll work on a way to help that happen, son. But I need you to do something for me – tonight.”
Keith’s small cock becoming very hard in his shorts.
“I need some help with your sisters.” Duane saw Keith nodding his head enthusiastically. “Tonight, when it’s just the three of you in your bedroom, do you think you can jerk-off and let them see you doing it? Watch their reaction then tomorrow, let me know what they did.”
Keith glanced down at his gym shorts, now stretched over his hard cock. “I can do that, dad.”
“Good,” Duane said. “I’m proud of you son, you are becoming a real man.” Duane gave his son an encouraging hug on the shoulder. “Now, you take the drinks for the girls and shut the door behind you when you go to your room.”
“Dad,” Keith said, motioning to his very hard cock’s clearly visible outline.
Duane smiled, understanding his son’s question. “Its fine, let your mom see the cock that will soon be fucking her again.” Duane laughed, as the two walked back to the rooms.
Duane Encourages his Wife
Keith walked past his mom to the kid’s bedroom, shutting the door behind him, as Duane had instructed.
“I guess you talked with Keith,” Mary asked, with concern in her voice. “And, did you see his….”
Duane smiled at Mary, knowing she had noticed Keith’s obvious erection. “We talked and he is going to be just fine.” Waiting for a moment, before opening the topic of Keith fucking her, Duane asked, “You didn’t say much in there,” pointing to the kid’s room. “But I did notice something on your leg, as I was rubbing it.”
Mary’s face noticeably blushed in the dim light of the motel room. “I just never washed up,” she said, trying to defend herself.
“Its fine, honey. In fact, it sort of turned me on, knowing that was Keith’s cum on your leg that had slipped out of your sweet pussy.” Duane looked intensely into Mary’s face, watching for her reaction to his confession.
Biting her lower lip softly, Mary looked into Duane’s eyes. “I know it was wrong, and I would never have done it – but… I sort of…” Mary paused, “…enjoyed it. I know he is my son, but….”
Duane cut her off, “I enjoyed it too, honey,” Duane said softly. He wanted Mary to know the step she had taken – by force – was one he approved.
Mary’s looked relieved. “So you aren’t upset with me – or Keith?”
“No honey. I talked to Keith about it and, well… he was like you. Confused but enjoyed it.” Duane realized his wife was now on board with the new family life – even if she didn’t know it quite yet. “Been a long night, honey. We better get some sleep.”
Duane laid on his bed listening, wondering if Keith was jerking-off as he had instructed him to do. He could hear nothing.
Keith’s Masturbation with his Sisters
The next morning, Duane told Keith to bring his sister’s suitcases to the car.
With the girls and Mary out of listening distance, Duane asked, “Son, did you do as I asked last night?”
A big smile spread across Keith’s face. “Oh dad, you won’t believe me, but it happened, really.” Keith’s voice was extremely excited.
Duane knew time was precious. He needed the details. “Tell me quick, before your sisters are here.”
“I was on top the covers, like you said. I was so hard and jerking-off.”
It was taking too long, Duane needed to hurry things along. “Tell me, what did they do?”
“I looked over at their bed,” Keith’s voice becoming more excited. “Racey was watching me. I mean she was looking right at me and I saw her whisper to Roxy.”
“Go on son,” Duane said quickly.
“It was like two-seconds and then Racey was there on my bed.”
It was better than Duane had imagined. He had hoped the girls would watch Keith, he never suspected they would join him. “What about Roxy?” Duane asked.
“No, she laid on her bed, but she did watch.” Keith answered. “But Racey, pushed my hand away and started using hers. Dad, it felt so good.”
“Did she make you cum, son?” Duane knew Mary and the girls would be walking out the door any second. He also knew his cock was growing hard, listening to his son.
“Oh yes. But she…” he paused.
“What son, tell me quick,” Duane demanded in a more stern voice than he intended.
“She put her mouth on me and I cum in her mouth,” Keith said, reacting to Duane’s tone.
“Oh son, I am so proud of you.” Duane needed to rectify his earlier over zealous tone. “I want you to do that again tonight. Can you do that for me son?” Duane had now changed his tone to a fatherly-advice.
Smiling at his dad, Keith said, “Sure dad. I can do that for… you.”
The two knowing what Keith meant, laughed as Mary and the girls walked to the car.
Duane looked at Racey, he thought about her voluntarily swallowed her brother’s cum just a few hours earlier. He would nudge her along sometime today. He would do the same to his wife with Keith’s help.
New Family activities in public.
At various tourist sited, Duane walked among other families on vacation. He realized his family was different. Just hours before – with the help of Abe – he had fucked his little 16 year-old girls, and had his son fuck mom. “What would these people think, if they knew about us?” A smile crossed his face as he thought about it.
At dinner time, they saw a Family Diner with a road-side gift stand. Parking the car, the girls and Mary headed to the gifts and trinkets. Duane pulled Keith to the side, giving him instructions. “We will get a booth in here. I want you to set by your mom.”
Keith looked at his dad, slightly confused.
“Be sure to let her get in the booth first. Then sometime during the meal, put your left hand on her leg, above her knees. Slowly move your hand up her leg. See how far she lets you move it before she stops you. Tell me later.”
Mary and the girls walked back to Duane and Keith.
“Didn’t buy everything?” Duane teased Mary. “Guess we still have money for dinner then.”
As Duane held the door to the restaurant, Racey was the last to enter, just ahead of Duane. The girls wore matching pink stretchy shorts, which Duane noticed, hugged the crack of their little asses. Reaching quickly, Duane pressed the tip of his middle finger firmly against Racey’s asshole, whispering in her ear, “I want my tongue in there.”
Without pausing, Racey turned her head to look at her daddy. Softly replying, “OK Daddy.”
At that moment, Duane knew he had Racey where he wanted her.
Mary slid across the bench seat of the booth. Keith quickly slipped in beside her. “Can I set next to you mommy,” he asked, not waiting for her reply.
The plastic on the seat clung to Mary’s legs. She had worn a pair of peach shorts, with loose blousy legs.
Talking about the day’s activities, their food arrived. Duane said they could drive another hour or two looking for a motel with a pool. Nearing the end of the meal, Duane asked if anyone wanted pie and ice cream. His arm was on the backrest, behind the girl’s backs.
Unexpectedly, Mary dropped her fork. It hit her plate, then the table, bounced off the plastic bench seat, and made a clanging-noise on the floor. Duane looked at his wife. She was leaning forward toward the table, her eyes shut with her left hand covering her mouth. A soft groan could be clearly heard.
Duane knew that sound and the look on her face well. He had seen it many times in their married life. Mary was cumming!
“Mom, are you OK,” Roxy asked, in a concerned tone.
Racey glanced at her dad with a knowing smile. Keith looked at Duane, not seeming to know what to do.
Duane hadn’t noticed Keith’s hand had moved to Mary’s leg. He was unaware his son’s fingers had slipped under her shorts. Mary had not stopped the movement of Keith’s fingers, as they slipped inside her panties. She had enjoyed the slow soft touch of her son’s fingers on her clit. Now, here in this family restaurant, Mary was experiencing an orgasm caused by her son’s touch.
Hearing the sound of a fork hitting the floor, the waitress approached with a new set of silverware. “Sounded like someone dropped a utensil,” she said, looking around for who needed a replacement.
“It was mom,” Roxy said, pointing to Mary, who still had her hand over her mouth. Mary was trying to be subtle, but Duane knew when Mary cum, she was noisy!
Taking a small step to her left, the waitress, in her early 20s, immediately realized what was happening. She could clearly see Keith’s left arm extending to Mary’s shorts. His hand was inside the right leg, Mary’s right hand held her son’s unseen fingers firmly to her crotch. Though Mary was trying to remain still, her hips were moving slightly, as she pushed Keith’s hands into her pussy.
Smiling at the family scene, the waitress coyly said to Duane, “Looks like you have a wonderful family.”
Winking at her, while giving Roxy a gentle hug, he replied, “It is. Still working on one… small detail.”
Giving Mary a few minutes to collet her wits, Duane talked to the girls about going swimming – if they could find a pool. He complimented them both on how pretty they looked in their suits.
Racey giggled as she said softly, “Bet that’s not all you think – is it daddy.”
Ten minutes later, Duane paid the bill as Mary and the kids walked to the car.
New Life Starts Tonight
Unfortunately, a hotel with a pool was nowhere to be found. Duane got two rooms and told the kids they would just have to watch TV.
As they carried in the luggage, Duane reminded Keith to Jerk-off in front of his sisters again. Keith nodded, saying, “I didn’t forget dad.” Dad and son smiled, knowing the parts they were to play in the plan.
Fifteen minutes later the phone rang.
“Daddy,” it was Racey’s voice. “Roxy is going to go to sleep and Keith said he was going to watch some dumb movie. Can I come over there with you and mom?”
I was learning the twins were not – identical – as I had once thought. “Sure, sweetie, Mom and I are going to watch a movie too. Come on over.” Hanging up the phone, I realized, Keith might not have an audience tonight. I felt a small sense of disappointment.
Mary opened the door for Racey who bounced onto our bed. Laying between us, she asked, “What are we watching?”
“How about a Western,” I said, just a Mary blurted out, “I think a good Romance movie, would be fun.” We both knew Racey hated Westerns and Romance movies.
“Iiiiiick, and Muuuuuuuushy,” she said, giggling at our suggestions.
“OK, little girl,” Mary said, “What do you suggest?”
Looking at the ceiling, Racey pretended to be in deep-thought. “How about what daddy suggested today as we were going into the restaurant”
Mary looked blankly at Racey. “What are you talking about, baby?”
“Well, daddy put his finger on my ass and said he wanted to put his tongue there.”
Racey said it so casually, I could hardly believe it. Now, Mary would no doubt be able to figure out, I had been thinking about my daughters – not as daughters only – but as little girls to fuck.
“Daddy said that, did he?” Mary’s expression was unreadable. I couldn’t tell if she was angry or excited. I held my breath, waiting… my destiny hung in the balance. “I’d love to watch that Sweetie.” Mary looked at me, her eyes now shut slightly, her voice lower. “I’d enjoy watching daddy eat your little pussy, baby. Take off your clothes.”
It was happening. Not only was I going to eat – maybe fuck – Racey, I was going to do it in front of her mom.
Racey quickly undressed, not seeming to be embarrassed to be naked in front of us. Moving back onto the bed, she lay between us again.
Mary glanced in my direction, “You can’t do much with your cock in your jeans.” Had Mary just given me permission to fuck my daughter?
I quickly pulled my jeans off, my cock became hard in an instant. Lowering my face to Racey’s small pussy, I pushed my tongue inside. It slid in easily. Racey’s cunt was soaked with precum. Had she planned this? Were Racey and I working – independently – toward the same goal?
Fucking her pussy with my tongue, I covered her entire opening with my lips. Licking her small 16 year-old clit, I heard her moan. I lifted her legs, pushing her knees to her flat chest. Doing so, her tiny ass lifted off the bed. I lowered my tongue to her puckered asshole. Giving it a quick flick, I let the tip of my tongue push inside.
“Yessssss,” I heard a voice say softly. But it was not Racey’s voice.
Mary had leaned toward her daughter’s pussy. She could see what I was doing to Racey’s ass. “Fuck her, Duane. Put it in her ass.”
I raised my face from Racey’s ass.
Mary nodded, “Yess, fuck our baby, soft and easy. Put your cock in her ass.”
I looked at Racey. “Honey, has anyone every fucked your ass?”
She shook her head – no.
“If it hurts too much, you tell daddy. I’ll stop. I can always fuck your sexy pussy.” Smiling at her, I noticed a giggle when I called her pussy – sexy.
Raising to my knees, I moved between her legs. Holding her legs up, Mary reached to my cock. The head was covered with my own precum. Eating Racey’s pussy, was about the most exciting things I had done in – 24 hours!
Mary moved the head of my cock gently over Racey’s puckered little asshole. Then, slowly I pushed forward.
“Take a deep breath, then breathe out, honey.” Mary was telling her daughter, how to take a cock in her little ass. Seeing Racey breathing out, I pushed the head of my cock into her tiny opening. Racey made a loud moan.
I stopped my progress, letting her adjust.
“OK daddy, do more,” Racey whispered.
I pushed another two inches into her before pausing again. Mary never took her eyes off my cock, as it disappeared into her daughter’s ass.
I began fucking her with the three inches I had in her. Racey moaned with each insertion.
I moved my elbows under her uplifted knees. Holding her legs up, I lowered my chest to her body. Looking into her soft blue eyes, I whispered, “OK Sweeties, I am going to fuck you now, the way mommy wants me to.” I needed Racey to know she was being fucked because both parents wanted this to happen.
“OK daddy,” she replied softly. “I’m your little girl daddy. Fuck me like that.”
Hearing her say those words, feeling her young ass walls squeezing my cock, I wanted to sink the full length of my cock into her. As I fucked her, my cock slowly inched more and more into her.
Racey’s eyes never closed completely. I looked at her face as my cock slipped into her young ass repeatedly.
It wasn’t long, before I could feel my balls burning. I was going to cum – it was unavoidable.
Moving my arms from under her legs, I slid them to her sides. I wanted to hold my baby when I cum in her ass.
Racey held her legs up, her heals resting on the sides of my back. It seemed so easy for her to maintain this position. How many times had she done this?
Looked at her face, I softly said, “Sweet Racey, daddy is going to put his cum in your butt.”
“Oh yes, daddy. I’m your little girl. Do it daddy.”
Racey’s words exploded in my head, as my cock shot cum into her ass. I moaned louder than I intended.
“Yesssssssss, Duane,” Mary joined in. “Fill our baby. Daddy’s cum for our little girl.”
I felt my cock pumping cum, shot after shot into my baby’s ass. My cock had slid easily into her ass with my preum, now there seemed to be no friction at all. My cock was coated with my cum, as it filled Racey’s ass.
A minute later, my hips stopped moving. My cock, still in her tiny ass, could feel continuous ass spasms. Racey had been fucked in front of her mom.
I slowly pulled my cock from her small butt, and rolled onto my back on the bed. Racey lay next to me still breathing deeply. I looked at Mary, in a semi-setting position on the bed from where she had been watching me fucking our daughter.
Racey slowly sat up, she move toward my cock. Her right hand lifted the cum-covered soft piece of meat to her mouth. Opening, without instruction, Racey took my cock into her mouth and began to slowly and softly suck me clean.
Mary and I looked at each other in astonishment.
“Honey,” I asked softly, “Where did you lean to do that?”
Lifting her mouth from my ass-cum-covered cock, Racey smiled and said…
Entering the kid’s bedroom, Duane saw the twins had put on their night shirts. They were setting next to each other. Keith was wearing his gym shorts, setting a few feet from them on the same bed. Mary, wore her long t-shirt. It covered her lovely 34-DD tits, and was long enough to cover below her waist. She sat on the opposite bed, facing the kids.
Duane walked into the bedroom completely naked. His cock had a little life, but was far from hard. He sat by Mary, placing his right hand on her left leg, at mid-thigh. His fingers moved gently over her leg. It was just his custom, his way of being close to her.
“Roxy,” Duane said softly, “Are you OK Sweetie?”
Roxy, looking down at the floor, her arms interlocked with her twin sister, Racey’s arms. “I’m OK,” she replied. Of all four, Duane knew, the events of tonight had been the most traumatic on her.
Turning to Racey, Duane noticed, she was not looking at the floor. Rather, her eyes were fixed on Duane’s cock. He asked if she was OK.
“I’m just fine…” Racey said, her eyes never moving from his crouch. Then, lifting her eyes to his, Racey said, “…daddy.”
Duane realized in that moment, the reaction of his two daughters was completely different.
As he spoke to the girls, Duane’s finger tips moved softly over Mary’s leg. Her skin was soft and warm. But there was something more. There was a slightly sticky wetness. Glancing down to her upper thigh, Duane saw a large patch of – cum. It was Keith’s cum, probably slipped from her pussy when she stood, or perhaps it had fallen from his cock when he moved from her.
At this realization, Duane’s cock made a small move, growing just a little bit harder. He didn’t want to do more tonight, he felt the kids had been sufficiently introduced to their new life for one night.
“I’m going to get us some soft drinks and snacks from the vending machines. Why don’t you three take a shower and we will talk more about all this tomorrow. Keith,” Duane said, “come with me. I’ll need some help carrying everything.”
Duane grabbed his jeans, then the two walked to the snack machines.
Encouraging Keith to Pursue his Mom.
“I didn’t want to say anything in front of the girls, but I wanted to say -- you did very good with Roxy. You were gentle with her when you fucked her.” Duane paused, letting the odd compliment sink in.
“That man made me,” Keith said, half apologizing.
“Son, I’m not mad at you. In fact, I’m very proud of you.”
Keith looked at his dad, still with a sheepish look on his face.
Duane decided to push the limits a little. “The way you fucked your mom, I was concerned you would do that to your little sister too. But you took it easy on Roxy, unlike the way you fucked mom.” Duane needed to see Keith’s reaction to his statement.
“Do you think mommy is made at me?” he asked.
“Keith, you are 14 now, almost a man.” Duane waited a couple second, then proceeded. “Did you hear your mom moan – when you were fucking her?” Duane was about to push Keith to the next step of his plan.
Keith nodded his head – yes.
“You know what that means, don’t you?” Duane wanted Keith to come to the correct conclusion. “She was enjoying what I was doing?” Keith asked slowly.
Duane saw a small smile crossed Keith’s face. He also saw something getting hard in Keith’s gym shorts.
“Can I tell you something – man-to-man,” Duane asked, in a proud tone, “I enjoyed watching you with mom. I bet she wants you to do that again.” Looking at Keith, Duane waited for his reaction.
Keith’s eyes widened slightly, at the revelation. “Really,” he asked, in a semi-excited tone. “Dad, can I tell you something – man-to-man,” Keith said, copying his dad’s words, “I’d… like to.”
Duane’s plan was working better than he had imagined. He could hardly believe his fortune.
“I’ll work on a way to help that happen, son. But I need you to do something for me – tonight.”
Keith’s small cock becoming very hard in his shorts.
“I need some help with your sisters.” Duane saw Keith nodding his head enthusiastically. “Tonight, when it’s just the three of you in your bedroom, do you think you can jerk-off and let them see you doing it? Watch their reaction then tomorrow, let me know what they did.”
Keith glanced down at his gym shorts, now stretched over his hard cock. “I can do that, dad.”
“Good,” Duane said. “I’m proud of you son, you are becoming a real man.” Duane gave his son an encouraging hug on the shoulder. “Now, you take the drinks for the girls and shut the door behind you when you go to your room.”
“Dad,” Keith said, motioning to his very hard cock’s clearly visible outline.
Duane smiled, understanding his son’s question. “Its fine, let your mom see the cock that will soon be fucking her again.” Duane laughed, as the two walked back to the rooms.
Duane Encourages his Wife
Keith walked past his mom to the kid’s bedroom, shutting the door behind him, as Duane had instructed.
“I guess you talked with Keith,” Mary asked, with concern in her voice. “And, did you see his….”
Duane smiled at Mary, knowing she had noticed Keith’s obvious erection. “We talked and he is going to be just fine.” Waiting for a moment, before opening the topic of Keith fucking her, Duane asked, “You didn’t say much in there,” pointing to the kid’s room. “But I did notice something on your leg, as I was rubbing it.”
Mary’s face noticeably blushed in the dim light of the motel room. “I just never washed up,” she said, trying to defend herself.
“Its fine, honey. In fact, it sort of turned me on, knowing that was Keith’s cum on your leg that had slipped out of your sweet pussy.” Duane looked intensely into Mary’s face, watching for her reaction to his confession.
Biting her lower lip softly, Mary looked into Duane’s eyes. “I know it was wrong, and I would never have done it – but… I sort of…” Mary paused, “…enjoyed it. I know he is my son, but….”
Duane cut her off, “I enjoyed it too, honey,” Duane said softly. He wanted Mary to know the step she had taken – by force – was one he approved.
Mary’s looked relieved. “So you aren’t upset with me – or Keith?”
“No honey. I talked to Keith about it and, well… he was like you. Confused but enjoyed it.” Duane realized his wife was now on board with the new family life – even if she didn’t know it quite yet. “Been a long night, honey. We better get some sleep.”
Duane laid on his bed listening, wondering if Keith was jerking-off as he had instructed him to do. He could hear nothing.
Keith’s Masturbation with his Sisters
The next morning, Duane told Keith to bring his sister’s suitcases to the car.
With the girls and Mary out of listening distance, Duane asked, “Son, did you do as I asked last night?”
A big smile spread across Keith’s face. “Oh dad, you won’t believe me, but it happened, really.” Keith’s voice was extremely excited.
Duane knew time was precious. He needed the details. “Tell me quick, before your sisters are here.”
“I was on top the covers, like you said. I was so hard and jerking-off.”
It was taking too long, Duane needed to hurry things along. “Tell me, what did they do?”
“I looked over at their bed,” Keith’s voice becoming more excited. “Racey was watching me. I mean she was looking right at me and I saw her whisper to Roxy.”
“Go on son,” Duane said quickly.
“It was like two-seconds and then Racey was there on my bed.”
It was better than Duane had imagined. He had hoped the girls would watch Keith, he never suspected they would join him. “What about Roxy?” Duane asked.
“No, she laid on her bed, but she did watch.” Keith answered. “But Racey, pushed my hand away and started using hers. Dad, it felt so good.”
“Did she make you cum, son?” Duane knew Mary and the girls would be walking out the door any second. He also knew his cock was growing hard, listening to his son.
“Oh yes. But she…” he paused.
“What son, tell me quick,” Duane demanded in a more stern voice than he intended.
“She put her mouth on me and I cum in her mouth,” Keith said, reacting to Duane’s tone.
“Oh son, I am so proud of you.” Duane needed to rectify his earlier over zealous tone. “I want you to do that again tonight. Can you do that for me son?” Duane had now changed his tone to a fatherly-advice.
Smiling at his dad, Keith said, “Sure dad. I can do that for… you.”
The two knowing what Keith meant, laughed as Mary and the girls walked to the car.
Duane looked at Racey, he thought about her voluntarily swallowed her brother’s cum just a few hours earlier. He would nudge her along sometime today. He would do the same to his wife with Keith’s help.
New Family activities in public.
At various tourist sited, Duane walked among other families on vacation. He realized his family was different. Just hours before – with the help of Abe – he had fucked his little 16 year-old girls, and had his son fuck mom. “What would these people think, if they knew about us?” A smile crossed his face as he thought about it.
At dinner time, they saw a Family Diner with a road-side gift stand. Parking the car, the girls and Mary headed to the gifts and trinkets. Duane pulled Keith to the side, giving him instructions. “We will get a booth in here. I want you to set by your mom.”
Keith looked at his dad, slightly confused.
“Be sure to let her get in the booth first. Then sometime during the meal, put your left hand on her leg, above her knees. Slowly move your hand up her leg. See how far she lets you move it before she stops you. Tell me later.”
Mary and the girls walked back to Duane and Keith.
“Didn’t buy everything?” Duane teased Mary. “Guess we still have money for dinner then.”
As Duane held the door to the restaurant, Racey was the last to enter, just ahead of Duane. The girls wore matching pink stretchy shorts, which Duane noticed, hugged the crack of their little asses. Reaching quickly, Duane pressed the tip of his middle finger firmly against Racey’s asshole, whispering in her ear, “I want my tongue in there.”
Without pausing, Racey turned her head to look at her daddy. Softly replying, “OK Daddy.”
At that moment, Duane knew he had Racey where he wanted her.
Mary slid across the bench seat of the booth. Keith quickly slipped in beside her. “Can I set next to you mommy,” he asked, not waiting for her reply.
The plastic on the seat clung to Mary’s legs. She had worn a pair of peach shorts, with loose blousy legs.
Talking about the day’s activities, their food arrived. Duane said they could drive another hour or two looking for a motel with a pool. Nearing the end of the meal, Duane asked if anyone wanted pie and ice cream. His arm was on the backrest, behind the girl’s backs.
Unexpectedly, Mary dropped her fork. It hit her plate, then the table, bounced off the plastic bench seat, and made a clanging-noise on the floor. Duane looked at his wife. She was leaning forward toward the table, her eyes shut with her left hand covering her mouth. A soft groan could be clearly heard.
Duane knew that sound and the look on her face well. He had seen it many times in their married life. Mary was cumming!
“Mom, are you OK,” Roxy asked, in a concerned tone.
Racey glanced at her dad with a knowing smile. Keith looked at Duane, not seeming to know what to do.
Duane hadn’t noticed Keith’s hand had moved to Mary’s leg. He was unaware his son’s fingers had slipped under her shorts. Mary had not stopped the movement of Keith’s fingers, as they slipped inside her panties. She had enjoyed the slow soft touch of her son’s fingers on her clit. Now, here in this family restaurant, Mary was experiencing an orgasm caused by her son’s touch.
Hearing the sound of a fork hitting the floor, the waitress approached with a new set of silverware. “Sounded like someone dropped a utensil,” she said, looking around for who needed a replacement.
“It was mom,” Roxy said, pointing to Mary, who still had her hand over her mouth. Mary was trying to be subtle, but Duane knew when Mary cum, she was noisy!
Taking a small step to her left, the waitress, in her early 20s, immediately realized what was happening. She could clearly see Keith’s left arm extending to Mary’s shorts. His hand was inside the right leg, Mary’s right hand held her son’s unseen fingers firmly to her crotch. Though Mary was trying to remain still, her hips were moving slightly, as she pushed Keith’s hands into her pussy.
Smiling at the family scene, the waitress coyly said to Duane, “Looks like you have a wonderful family.”
Winking at her, while giving Roxy a gentle hug, he replied, “It is. Still working on one… small detail.”
Giving Mary a few minutes to collet her wits, Duane talked to the girls about going swimming – if they could find a pool. He complimented them both on how pretty they looked in their suits.
Racey giggled as she said softly, “Bet that’s not all you think – is it daddy.”
Ten minutes later, Duane paid the bill as Mary and the kids walked to the car.
New Life Starts Tonight
Unfortunately, a hotel with a pool was nowhere to be found. Duane got two rooms and told the kids they would just have to watch TV.
As they carried in the luggage, Duane reminded Keith to Jerk-off in front of his sisters again. Keith nodded, saying, “I didn’t forget dad.” Dad and son smiled, knowing the parts they were to play in the plan.
Fifteen minutes later the phone rang.
“Daddy,” it was Racey’s voice. “Roxy is going to go to sleep and Keith said he was going to watch some dumb movie. Can I come over there with you and mom?”
I was learning the twins were not – identical – as I had once thought. “Sure, sweetie, Mom and I are going to watch a movie too. Come on over.” Hanging up the phone, I realized, Keith might not have an audience tonight. I felt a small sense of disappointment.
Mary opened the door for Racey who bounced onto our bed. Laying between us, she asked, “What are we watching?”
“How about a Western,” I said, just a Mary blurted out, “I think a good Romance movie, would be fun.” We both knew Racey hated Westerns and Romance movies.
“Iiiiiick, and Muuuuuuuushy,” she said, giggling at our suggestions.
“OK, little girl,” Mary said, “What do you suggest?”
Looking at the ceiling, Racey pretended to be in deep-thought. “How about what daddy suggested today as we were going into the restaurant”
Mary looked blankly at Racey. “What are you talking about, baby?”
“Well, daddy put his finger on my ass and said he wanted to put his tongue there.”
Racey said it so casually, I could hardly believe it. Now, Mary would no doubt be able to figure out, I had been thinking about my daughters – not as daughters only – but as little girls to fuck.
“Daddy said that, did he?” Mary’s expression was unreadable. I couldn’t tell if she was angry or excited. I held my breath, waiting… my destiny hung in the balance. “I’d love to watch that Sweetie.” Mary looked at me, her eyes now shut slightly, her voice lower. “I’d enjoy watching daddy eat your little pussy, baby. Take off your clothes.”
It was happening. Not only was I going to eat – maybe fuck – Racey, I was going to do it in front of her mom.
Racey quickly undressed, not seeming to be embarrassed to be naked in front of us. Moving back onto the bed, she lay between us again.
Mary glanced in my direction, “You can’t do much with your cock in your jeans.” Had Mary just given me permission to fuck my daughter?
I quickly pulled my jeans off, my cock became hard in an instant. Lowering my face to Racey’s small pussy, I pushed my tongue inside. It slid in easily. Racey’s cunt was soaked with precum. Had she planned this? Were Racey and I working – independently – toward the same goal?
Fucking her pussy with my tongue, I covered her entire opening with my lips. Licking her small 16 year-old clit, I heard her moan. I lifted her legs, pushing her knees to her flat chest. Doing so, her tiny ass lifted off the bed. I lowered my tongue to her puckered asshole. Giving it a quick flick, I let the tip of my tongue push inside.
“Yessssss,” I heard a voice say softly. But it was not Racey’s voice.
Mary had leaned toward her daughter’s pussy. She could see what I was doing to Racey’s ass. “Fuck her, Duane. Put it in her ass.”
I raised my face from Racey’s ass.
Mary nodded, “Yess, fuck our baby, soft and easy. Put your cock in her ass.”
I looked at Racey. “Honey, has anyone every fucked your ass?”
She shook her head – no.
“If it hurts too much, you tell daddy. I’ll stop. I can always fuck your sexy pussy.” Smiling at her, I noticed a giggle when I called her pussy – sexy.
Raising to my knees, I moved between her legs. Holding her legs up, Mary reached to my cock. The head was covered with my own precum. Eating Racey’s pussy, was about the most exciting things I had done in – 24 hours!
Mary moved the head of my cock gently over Racey’s puckered little asshole. Then, slowly I pushed forward.
“Take a deep breath, then breathe out, honey.” Mary was telling her daughter, how to take a cock in her little ass. Seeing Racey breathing out, I pushed the head of my cock into her tiny opening. Racey made a loud moan.
I stopped my progress, letting her adjust.
“OK daddy, do more,” Racey whispered.
I pushed another two inches into her before pausing again. Mary never took her eyes off my cock, as it disappeared into her daughter’s ass.
I began fucking her with the three inches I had in her. Racey moaned with each insertion.
I moved my elbows under her uplifted knees. Holding her legs up, I lowered my chest to her body. Looking into her soft blue eyes, I whispered, “OK Sweeties, I am going to fuck you now, the way mommy wants me to.” I needed Racey to know she was being fucked because both parents wanted this to happen.
“OK daddy,” she replied softly. “I’m your little girl daddy. Fuck me like that.”
Hearing her say those words, feeling her young ass walls squeezing my cock, I wanted to sink the full length of my cock into her. As I fucked her, my cock slowly inched more and more into her.
Racey’s eyes never closed completely. I looked at her face as my cock slipped into her young ass repeatedly.
It wasn’t long, before I could feel my balls burning. I was going to cum – it was unavoidable.
Moving my arms from under her legs, I slid them to her sides. I wanted to hold my baby when I cum in her ass.
Racey held her legs up, her heals resting on the sides of my back. It seemed so easy for her to maintain this position. How many times had she done this?
Looked at her face, I softly said, “Sweet Racey, daddy is going to put his cum in your butt.”
“Oh yes, daddy. I’m your little girl. Do it daddy.”
Racey’s words exploded in my head, as my cock shot cum into her ass. I moaned louder than I intended.
“Yesssssssss, Duane,” Mary joined in. “Fill our baby. Daddy’s cum for our little girl.”
I felt my cock pumping cum, shot after shot into my baby’s ass. My cock had slid easily into her ass with my preum, now there seemed to be no friction at all. My cock was coated with my cum, as it filled Racey’s ass.
A minute later, my hips stopped moving. My cock, still in her tiny ass, could feel continuous ass spasms. Racey had been fucked in front of her mom.
I slowly pulled my cock from her small butt, and rolled onto my back on the bed. Racey lay next to me still breathing deeply. I looked at Mary, in a semi-setting position on the bed from where she had been watching me fucking our daughter.
Racey slowly sat up, she move toward my cock. Her right hand lifted the cum-covered soft piece of meat to her mouth. Opening, without instruction, Racey took my cock into her mouth and began to slowly and softly suck me clean.
Mary and I looked at each other in astonishment.
“Honey,” I asked softly, “Where did you lean to do that?”
Lifting her mouth from my ass-cum-covered cock, Racey smiled and said…