A Great Indian ( Chowdhury ) Family Hot Sesh

A Great Indian ( Chowdhury ) Family Hot Sesh
So at last, Pritam got the golden chance of fulfilling his long time desire of making love with his own married daughter Soma and he decided to start mending the fences. Just previous afternoon, when she was nursing her baby, he and his Samandi ( Wife’s Brother ) watched that closely which made both of them highly excited.

He noticed his son Goutam too glancing at her that moment who sat just beside her. Although he didn’t know what had happened after that as he and Tarun left the drawing room that moment, but he could notice his son adjust his growing bulge.

After over four months, he had seen his daughter when she’d come yesterday with his wife and he noticed few changes in her figure. He could realize, those changes were occurred due to the attainment of her motherhood and breastfeeding to her baby boy.

As for his daughter, he never looked at her as a sexual way, but after her child’s birth, the certain changes of her body compelled him to check her body that way. Along with that, his Samandi’s enticement provoked him to go ahead as he finally decided to seduce her….. and his first step of changing the DVD cassette had helped him to achieve that goal to some extent.

After her child’s birth, Soma started living at her husband’s ancestral homestead at Kirnahar ( Bolpur ), at least one hundred sixty km away from her parents house. So now she had to come to see her parents covering a long distance which became a hard task for her. However her parents also never missed a chance to visit her whenever they had some loose time.

Anyway just previous day, she came to Calcutta with her mother to see her father for a four-day stay and to comply the famous ritual of India, ‘Rakhibandhan ( Rakshabandhan i.e. tying a colorful thread on the wrist of a male by a female… decorated with some small crafts on it to strengthen the holy bond between a brother and sister ). Yes, that special day was celebrated by most of the Bengalee girls and women too in a great festive way.

Her husband Rahim very recently had gone to Siliguri to join the National level cricket tournament. He would have to stay there at least one week… and that’s why he couldn’t accompany her. Anyway, when she arrived at ‘Priya Bhaban’, her father welcomed her warmly standing at the main gate as she touched his feet and got his blessing.

Her Boudi ( Brother’s Wife ) Protibha was also present there as she took the baby in her arms and started kissing…. caressing his cheeks. Pritam became highly excited to see his cute ‘Nati’ ( grandson ) Raja as he took the baby from his Bouma and started showering kisses on his cheeks.

Later while his wife became busy with the baby taking him in her heavily soft bosom…. giggling with him as she poked his belly and armpits, Pritam concentrated his attention on examining his daughter’s proportionate growth of various parts of her body. Naturally all those made him horny as he felt a stirring in his loins… quickly making there a tent.

He had previously noticed, during her pregnancy, that she gained some curves in her hips, while her boobs and ass became larger. Although her swollen belly had once again came back to it’s normal shape, her boobs and ass didn’t loose their sizes a bit.

After refreshment, while playing and laughing with her grandson, Supriyadevi started speaking about her motherhood and it’s impact on her figure. She even mentioned to her daughter about the advantage of her getting pregnant.

It was her 34″ chest that had blossomed and now they would be at least 36″ after Raja’s birth…. in which Soma laughed proudly. They discussed about nursing issues, baby’s growth, clothes, and lastly the recent development in Tollygunge film-industry.

Sitting just few feet away on another sofa, Pritam was listening mother-daughter’s intimate talking while rubbing his crotch. At one point, once again Pritam took his ‘Nati’ ( Grandson )….. huddling around him and offered to be the best ‘Dadu’ ( Grandfather ) ever by rocking him, holding him…. even feeding him from a bottle.

In the home, Soma normally fed her son without feeling any shy….. i.e showing the fabulous view of her baby nursing at her bosom. And the male members like Pritam, Goutam or Tarun took this advantage and never missed to enjoy the tantalizing scene of her breastfeeding.

Like before, today also Soma had already nursed her baby and had preserved the excess milk of her boobs in the fridge. When the bottle of breast milk will be finished, she would take care the feeding by herself.

Actually producing more milk than her little son needed, she had to relieve herself sometimes by expressing or any means she could find. Normally she preserved those precious milk in bottles…. keeping them in the Fridge for future use.
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Anyway, that day when her mother went out for an indoor shooting at Tollygunge studio, she decided to consult her recent problems with her father. Actually she was facing a tipical problem which was very much personal. At first she thought to discuss it with her mother but at the last moment she decided that it would be better to talk with her father.

Soma was thinking about how to place her problem to her father….. sitting on the sofa with her legs tucked under her. She was playing with her hair as she absent mindedly watched the TV. As she thought more about the problem, the matter became more complex.

Actually, she had been so exhausted lately with her breast-feeding. Her cute son Raja was an angel of a baby, and she felt a pang of remorse every time she realised that she was actually trying to stop nursing him. On contrary, he wasn’t at an age where he should no longer needed breast-feeding. But to maintain her youthful form and charms, she had figured that the cancellation of breast-feeding was even more important.

If she weaned her son off now, he’d be fine… but she craved the late down effect on her body she got when she’d nursed her baby boy. And the feeling of exhilaration that she had got when he suckled her nipples was so much pleasurable, that she couldn’t avoid that too.

`Damn it,’ Soma cursed out softly to herself….. realising the pressure of milk on her boobs. It made her boobs in leaking milk spontaneously once again just thinking about it.

She noticed that the leaking-milk had made her thin Maxi-Gown wet, leaving patches of warm, sticky milk on the Maxi. She decided to nurse her son to ease the pressure as she looked at her son who was playing with a ball in the crib with a heavenly smile on his face.

She took him in her arms and opening few hooks of her front-open Maxi, she pulled out her heavily milk-filled left boob…. pushing it’s brown nipple in his lips. Instantly he clamped his lips on the hard nub and sucking it eagerly.

As her nine month old son Raja started latching the milk engrossed nipple, Soma felt wetness growing between her legs just like before as she began rubbing her pussy with her left hand. Immediately she became horny…. feeling her son’s soft tongue rubbing on her highly sensitive nipple.

Actually she hadn’t a cock in her pussy for the last two weeks. Her husband Rahim was no doubt wonderful but he was reluctant to resume their sexual activities, although the doctor said it was okay. Even her Sasur ( Husband / Wife’s Father ) Rahamat was using the excuse of his heavy pressure of hotel management and shooting schedules.

However, to entice her husband or Sasur, she started keeping her snatch shaved after the delivery. She knew they used to love her pussy’s smoothness on their faces during the cunnilingus session.

Anyway, as her son went asleep within few minutes of suckling after the early noon feeding, she had to put him in the crib again. She could feel her boobs still hard with full of milk as she tucked the boob back in her Maxi.

Previously Soma never had any problems getting her two virile men ( Husband Rahim & Sasur Rahamat ), or women ( Pis-Sasuri Fatema & Sasuri Probhaboti ) for quenching her physical needs. But her needs had changed since she’d started nursing her baby.

Whenever her son had started to latch her engorged nipples, she would feel her pussy itch and she couldn’t help but finger herself. She thought that something would have to do immediately with her sudden modified craving which always kept her so horny.

On the other hand, she felt herself highly ashamed to express her wicked feelings even to her husband or Step-Sasuri Probhaboti. At last with so much confrontation within herself, she decided to tell that to her father and explain her silly feelings of wicked desire.

Actually since her childhood, she had a closeness with him and always became a daddy’s daughter who had helped her so many times whenever she would face a critical problem. He really helped her in all possible cases whether it was related with her film-career or with her in-laws family.
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Pritam watched his daughter intently as she walked with a tray of kettle into his room wearing a colorful thin synthetic Saree with a bra-like small sleeveless blouse. The well-proportioned shape of her slightly chubby figure was outlined distinctively through the thin material of the chiffon Saree which made her more sexy and attractive to him.

Pritam could see that most of her boobs almost spilled out from her bra-shape blouse. They looked very big and tight…. surely the presence of milk in those made such shape and size. He started dreaming to put his mouth on them and drink as much milk as possible from them.

He could just tell that she looked like the type of girl who could be as much of a freak as him. Hopefully even more so. It had been almost seven days since he’d had a really filthy sex session with his wife and later with her Bouma. He wanted it so bad….. but now with his daughter.

“Have a seat Soma…” Pritam said to his daughter warmly….. indicating her to sit beside him on the big couch.

“It’s OK Bapi,” Soma said shyly as she gave a cup to her father…. pouring coffee from the kettle and sat beside him on the couch. She was feeling nervous about how to broach the subject of her ever more twisted fantasies

“Now dear….. what’s the matter….. seems you’re having some problem” Pritam took a small sip of coffee from the cup noticing her discomfort and licked his lips eyeing on her spilled boobs closely.

“Well….. it’s so personal, Bapi. Even I couldn’t able to disclose it to my husband, because… well… I’ve been having these thoughts… like, um, fantasies…” Soma began to open herself as her father leaned back in the couch and tried to concentrate on the matter.

Realizing her shyness, he tried to act like a real soothing person… helping her to loosen the discomforts as he put his other hand on her back…. slowly caressing. But God! It was getting harder for him as he listened her kinky fantasies which instantly made his cock jump inside his loosened pyjama.

His horny eyes roamed all over her semi-exposed body once again as his shy, beautiful daughter started to disclose…. lowering her eyes down in shame….. how she felt herself horny and craved for kinky sex whenever she’d breastfed her son.

And not just any sex. She wanted a grownup kid to suckle on her lactating boobs, to nurse him while he would finger her dirty asshole. Even being frustrated, she started planning to hire a boy-servant for her household jobs and after that seducing him, she would fulfill her kinky desires.

And the more Pritam listened, the more depravity of his married daughter came out from the deepest core of her soul and hearing those fantasies, his already hardened cock became jerking inside his pyjama.

Anyway, after being slightly eased from her earlier discomfort, Soma now described her fantasies to her helpful father in detail…. like, how she wanted to walk naked infront of the windows of her house, just to give the kid of her next door a hard on.

And just thinking that she’d got so wet and horny. She’d imagined that he would stand there just waiting for her to come past….. all the time with his hand inside his Half- Pant….. fixing his innocent eyes on her.

Pritam felt his prick twitching more inside his pyjama… with every little detail. He wanted to strip off his vulnerable repressed slut daughter and broaden her sick horizons. And just when he thought he’d heard all he needed to, his daughter opened up further.

She told her reliable father about another incident….. that day, after she’d nursed her little boy, she let him lay asleep in her lap. Then she decided to leave her bra-covered swollen boobs free from her Maxi. She was sitting on a chair in the front lawn of her room, overlooking their garden and the neighbour’s small cottage where Kamini ( Adibasi Maid ) lived with her only kid Komol. Her milk-filled boobs were heaving with each breath as her baby-boy slept peacefully in her lap.

Suddenly, feeling excessive pressure of milk in her boobs, she pulled out one of her bra-cups from under her Maxi and freed her right boob from the confinement of maternity bra-cup. She then lifted that boob and placed it’s brown nipple to her sleeping baby”s lips.

At first her baby-boy refused the nipple, having been already taken her milk few minutes ago and the stomach being filled with milk. But she pried some more, teasing her sweet little boy”s lips with her swollen nipple, as it hardened quickly.

Raja finally took the nipple, and began to suckle slowly. Soma felt some relief but immediately she could feel her well-known sweet sick pleasure running through her body, as her other nipple started leaking automatically…. soaking the bra-cup. Like before, she felt the familiar horny tingling in her pussy, and the wetness that came with it. Horrified, she panicked…

“And what happened next baby?” Pritam asked raspily. He could feel his cock straining against his pyjama now…. creating an absolute visible tent at his crotch….. very obvious to his young daughter.

Soma eyed her father’s crotch smilingly as she noticed the hard cock stirring inside his pyjama. She was secretly thrilled at his response….. happy to know she was even capable to excite her father just by telling her wicked desires. Naturally this helped her to decrease her nervousness as she continued to disclose her dark fantasy.

“You don’t understand Bapi! I don’t know what came over me… I, I…” She trailed off.

Pritam pried further, desperate to know how far his sexy daughter would go with her wicked desires… “What happened next? Please baby, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me everything.” He asked excitedly….. rubbing his palm on her naked back.

“Oh Bapi, I was so horny!” She cried as guilt and shame racking her frame. “Yes, as I sat there, while my son continued his suckling, I couldn’t help myself. I quickly pushed my Maxi-Gown up and started to masturbate…. right there with my little boy in my lap while breastfeeding him! I was so wet Bapi, it was as though my body had never been that horny before in my life. And then…” She trailed off.

“You said you were masturbating….. I mean you were stroking yourself. Were you stroking yourself with your finger or other things…. like candle or cucumbe?” Pritam asked…. putting the empty cup on the tea-table and then keeping his hand on his bulge, he grabbed his hard cock over the pyjama.

Soma noticed that…. which convinced her to open her more as she continued, “Oh no Bapi, no I didn’t use other things… but that’s when I saw my neighbour, the kid of next door. Well… I saw Komol watching…. standing behind the fence. At first I was startled being caught by him. But I was so horny by then; I didn’t care how bad it looked.”

“The kid is so naughty…. did you allow him to watch your masterbation?” Pritam felt highly excited…. now rubbing his bulge openly.

“Yes Bapi….even I enticed him pulling my soaking panties off and throwing it over the fence to him. He picked it up instantly and started sniffing like a horny dog, holding it to his nose. It just made me hornier… I don’t know what’s wrong with me. He then came to me jumping the fence and eyeing me up and down. I didn’t know what he wanted, and then he asked me to pull my Maxi-Gown further up…”

Pritam knew right then he was on to something. “Keep going on Soma dear.”

“But please Bapi….. keep this matter just between us!” Soma was hysterical now as her father tried to comfort her.

“Yes baby, I assure you this would be a confidential matter between two of us, you know me very well. So trust me and tell me everything in detail… tell me.” As Pritam spoke, he pulled his left hand from her back and stroked his daughter’s bare arm, brushing his fingers lightly over one of her swollen boobs. She noticed, and calmed down slightly as he reaffirmed that he was there to help her work this out.

He stroked further along her left boob….. feeling her nipple harden under his fingers. He cooed gently in her ear, his eyes focusing on her milk filled boobs as he fingered her nipple through the thin material of her bra-cup blouse. Suddenly, a sticky damp patch started to grow on her cup… Soma gasped.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry Bapi… I just…” She resigned herself, sitting in silence, head bowed.

“Soma dear, lactating is nothing to be ashamed of…” Pritam stressed….. tracing a pattern around the nipple and damp area with his finger. “It shows you are a mother, a very good affectionate mother. I think it’s very attractive. Now continue…. what happened next.”

“OK… well, he then requested me to continue the nursing as the boy ( Komal ) took a seat in front of me on the floor. I got this sick little thrill of breastfeeding my son while the boy watched intently and licked his lips. I think he was licking his dry lips in anticipation of drinking my breastmilk,” Soma said in which her father nodded approvingly.

“It’s natural baby, I would do the same if I was there,” Pritam grinned and continued to rub and massage his daughter’s milk leaking boob, pushing her back gently to lie on the couch more comfortably. Next, pushing both the bra-cups of her bra-like blouse, he exposed both of her milk-white boobs.

They were huge, swollen and tight as he cupped them…… slowly caressing and feeling their smoothness. He squeezed her round, soft boobs hard, hearing her whimper as she paused in her story.

“Keep going, baby. It’s so interesting,” Pritam insisted.

“Oh yes….. Komol found the scene strangely attractive, and his eyes were drawn to my other boob…. still covered with the thin bra-cup. I saw a small circle of wetness around the clear bump of that nipple, indicating where I had leaked milk.”

“May I, Didimoni…. I…. ?” Komol asked. I couldn’t understand why his voice was hoarse.

“May you what?” I asked.

“May I suckle on your other nipple?” Komol asked…… looking at me with pleading eyes but I couldn’t read his expression.

“You like to drink my milk, Komol?”

“Not particularly, Didimoni. I just want to join with your son at your beautiful boob.” Komol said as I smilingly nodded… sitting again on the big wooden chair and pulling down my other bra cup in a mute offering.

Quickly he went down on his knees in front of me and ran his tongue over my firm milk-engorged boob. My nipple grew harder and longer before my eyes.

He tongued it drawing the tiny milk seepage into his mouth. It tasted sweet and made him want more. He began sucking and worked his tongue around my nipple at the same time. A stream of creamy milk spurted into his mouth and I sighed deep in my throat feeling the decrease of pressure in that boob.

“Ohhhhhh, Komol….. yessss…. Sona….. continue your sucking…. it feels soooooo…. niceeeeee…..!” I moaned and continued purring in increasing excitement.

He unbuttoned the remaining hooks of my Maxi freeing the boobs more as he traced the line of my brownish areola and kept suckling. He put his small boyish hands on my firm boobs….. gently massaging it to milk me. The rich flow into his mouth naturally increased and I kept sighing…. caressing the heads of my son and Komol both. He suckled and started kneading both boobs till I felt the flow begin to slacken as he sat back on his haunches.

All that made us both horny as hell. At one point, he asked me to take off my Maxi completely. I didn’t hesitate for a moment and quickly pulled down my half-open Maxi to tease the boy more, until I was completely naked.

Bapi, I loved putting on this sick little show for the kid and it made my cunt drool. I couldn’t help myself….. I wanted to fuck his boyish Adibasi cock so bad… I wanted to pretend he was my son while I was his real mother.

I wanted to ride Komol’s boyish black prick as it would pound my slutty cunt but … but… his damn mother Kamini suddenly came out from her cottage and noticing that he ran back in fear!”

Soma’s voice grew in confidence as her father pushed away the ‘Anchal’ of her Saree from her chest and opened the knot of her bra-like small blouse, letting her upper portion completely open to him. The big boobs were pouty and erect….. and oh so swollen, and leaking milk as she spoke. He licked his dry lips in excitement…. he wanted something from her.

“What do you want Bapi?” She asked teasingly, carried away in the heat of what was taking place.

Her hand fell on his surprisingly hard cock as he grabbed her full boobs. Sitting on the big leather couch still, neither of them removed their hand from others. In fact he began to tighten his grip pulling her against his body as her boobs started leaking more milk. He felt the wetness of her leaking milk drenching his hairy chest.

He then backed away slightly and squeezed her erect nipple between his thumb and index finger. Instantly the milk was squirting at least in five thin streams as they started hitting his face…. drenching his face and throat totally. Not to waste the precious milk, he quickly clamped his lips around one of the nipples as he started drinking the sweet tasting thin milk of his daughter.

( Please look into the bottom picture )

For few moments he treated the same trick to her other nipple and drank more milk from that. Then lifting his mouth, he hugged her. Their bodies was pressed together as they kissed….. tongues urgently searching the others mouth. Soma could taste her own milk on her father’s tongue. The timing was right, or perhaps wrong, for the father and daughter of the great Chowdhury Family to come together.

“Oh Bapi, you’re so hard… and thick,” Soma said as she continued to stroke his rock hard shaft over the pyjama.

“Yes, your milk make that. But it seems your boobs are still full of milk and hard… they’re leaking so much.”

“Yes… well… I’m lactating… I need a more nursing,” She said looking at her father.

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