Meeting Ann and Johns friends

Meeting Ann and John’s friends
I’m Dave this is part two let put you in the picture moved to Spain lived in a caravan with mum and jo my sister then mum got a job the we move into a appointment there our Neighbours were Ann and John they looked after me and Jo when mum was working taking us to the special beach Read part one.
It’s been a few day Since we had seen Ann mum had worked from home so after school we would go out and play with our school friends we were on our way home when we see John in his car he stopped going home yes we said jump in when we arrived John said go and see your mother if she has not got your dinner on tell she to come over and have dinner with us just let us know ok we said Jo said that great Ann cooking better then mother and we both Laughed we ran in mum was on her computer Jo said John asked us over there place for dinner you not cooked anything have you mum looked up no I was waiting for use to come home Jo turned and ran out shutting il tell them we are coming before mum could say a word she looked at me and Laughed are you two saying Ann’s cooking better then mine no I said mum said its OK I know she is and we were only going have egg and chips Jo come Bursting through the door ok give her Half an hour mum said that fine I can finish what I’m doing.
Half an hour later we are sitting down to dinner a really nice Spanish dish me and Jo finished first mum looked at us then said was that better then egg and chip they both said yes mum John and Ann all laughed .
Mum asked Ann as its Saturday tomorrow could they look after us as she got people to show apartments and caravans to.
Ann said yes she told us to bring our swimwear.
Next morning we were up and dressed by 9 mum left at about 930 so we went over to Ann’s John was not up so we sat in the living room Ann Made a drink John walked in to the living room with a towel drying his hair he was naked he was talking to Ann in Spanish then he stopped dead moved the towel of his face Ann walked in said something to John who turn and walked back out .
Ann said sorry about that he was asking me what time you were coming over I told him you were already sitting in the living room.
John walked back out said morning jo said morning nice to see you naked and laughed John just smiled and spoke to Ann in Spanish and started to laugh I asked Ann what John had said no it not for you two adults talk jo said he should speak in English when he’s with us so what did he say John said lucky I did not have hard on and we all laughed.
Ann asked us what did we what to Jo said go to our special beach Ann looked at John what do you think ok pack a picnic Ann walked into the kitchen and brought out the picnic bag already done John said that was quick ok let’s go.
We arrived at a different car park I said
uncle John we are in the wrong place Ann turn her head no this is the car park for nudist.
We got out of the car John opened the boot Ann said ok take your clothes off if you want to John had taken off his clothes Ann had a dress on which she just lifted over her head she had Nothing under it I took off my clothes jo stood there then stripped off .
We walked onto the beach there was a lot of Couples sitting around we were walking to the sand hill as we walked up the top a women called out Ann turned Ann walked over to where the voice was coming from we could hear her talking in Spanish She call John we all walked over there was this couple about the same age Ann and John they spoke Ann put down the towels Ann told us the names but they were to hard for ur so she said Steve and pat they could speak English we were all talking then went into the sea they talked to other couples then we got out the beach was getting very crowded .
Steve spoke to John in Spanish the two wife’s spoke then Ann said as the beach is getting very crowded Steve has Suggested that we all go back to there house pat said we have a swimming pool jacuzzi And I sauna
I said yes that fine .
When we arrived the house was so big
there was no other houses about the garden had high bushes all the way round we had something to eat then we all went out to the pool the four adults strip off so me and Jo did the same we all got into the pool a lot of mucking about Steve’s hands would touch my cock when he grabbed me so would John hands .
John Threw me over two patshe grabbed me let’s swim between each other legs under water the men did the same Ann and pat stood together opened there legs I dived under the water I could see there cunts as I went between there legs when I came up I had a hard on pat said my turn I was infront of Ann she put her arms around me as pat swam between my legs she touched my cock when Ann did it she touched my cock .
Steve said time to get out so they got out I waited until my cock went down then I got out we all had sun beds John was putting sun block on pat Steve was doing Ann they were laying on the sunbeds on there front then the men told them to turn over and they did there fronts Ann’s and Pat’s nipples got very hard then it was John and Steve turn .
Then Ann said ok you two lay on your fronts we did John and Steve started putting cream all over my body Steve was doing my legs he opened them his hands went to my balls and he was rubbing cream on them I got a hard on I looked over at Jo Pat’s hands was between her legs I Heard Ann asked her if she was ok yes Jo answered.
Then John said that’s your backs done now for the front Steve got hold of me and turn me over I put my hands over my cock Steve started with my legs John did my arms and chest .
I looked over to Jo Ann was rubbing her tits she was playing with her nipples pat had her hand betwwen her Jo legs it looked like she was rubbing her cunt .
Steve got hold of my hands and put them by my side saying he could not put cream on my hip i still had a hard on he did my hip and round myck then he dried his hands John passed Steve a open bottle Steve put some of the liquid in hands rubbed them together then put them on my cock and started to rub it it felt so nice I looked at John he’s cock was hard and he was rubbing in Ann walked over to him they both move to my head Ann bent down and was kissing me I was kissing her back then the hands on my cock was missing .
Steve said ok let’s all go inside and have a drink all the adults walked into the house my and Jo sat there talking jo said pat was making fill all Tinglyit was great I said Steve was rubbing my cock and would stop before I came we went indoors .
Ann gave us a drink steve had the biggest TV going it was on the whole wall Pat and Ann sat on this big sofa and got jo to sit between there was another sofa just as big I sat between Steve and John then the TV came on
It showed a lady suckinh a cock as she was getting fucked jo was looking at it my cock got very hard we had been watching for about 20 minutes when Steve took hold of my cock and started to masturbate me looking at jo she had her legs wide open and pat was between them the sofa back went down so now I was laying John asked me if I like what Steve was doing yes on the TV it showed two young people boy and a girl they looked about out ages the boy was being sucked off Ann came over she put her mouth on my cock and started to suck it my breathing started to get heavy I cry out that I was going to come Ann kept sucking me I shot my load into her mouth and she swallowed all of it I heard jo cry out John said your sister just just had her first orgasm.
We matched some more tv my cock stayed hard Ann said something to jo pat opened her legs wide jo got on the floor with Ann .
Jo put her hand on pat cunt Ann move jo hand and put her mouth on her cunt pat said to jo go behind Ann and lick her cunt and suck it Jo did
On the TV there was a boy putting his cock up the ass of a man Steve got on his hands and knees John took me behind Steve put some cream on my cock he held me cock and put it by Steve bum he told me to hold Steve hips and push my cock up Steve bum and fuck him I did it felt great John was rubbing my bum he push a finger up me it felt funny .Ann pat and Jo came and sat in front of me and Steve Jo had something round her waist which went between her legs Ann told her to knee down sideways pat was playing with her tits . I felt something bigger in my bum it hurt a little but it was nice Ann had put something up Jo bum Jo did not seem to mind I heard a buzz in Jo let out a moan pat asked her did she like it Jo just nodded Ann pulled out the thing in Jo bum I felt the thing being removed from my bum Ann got a bigger thing it look like a cock ut cream on it push it up Jo bum I felt something bigger being push up my bum I stopped fuck Steve John said take a deep breath it hurts I said John said it will go soon fuck Steve so I did the pain got less and I liked it I was close to coming John told me to pull out of Steve again I told John ok come up Steve so I did it felt great don’t pull out John told me i was still had and John was moving the thing in and out of my bum like Ann was doing to Jo.
Ann said there really and took the thing out of Jo’s bum and took on the thing round her waist.John took the thing out of my bum .
Ann and pat layed on the floor Anns head by pats feet me and Jo was told to knee over there heads and to bent forwards I was over pat she took hold of my cock and was licking it up and down she said I’m going to suck your cock Ann said to jo I’m going to suck your clit and rub your cunt they both started
I could see Steve behind jo I looked round and John was behind me they were both putting something on there cocks and rubbing them Steve spoke to John in Spanish he move forward I felt something on my bum hole then John spoke my cock was really beening suck and pat was playing with my balls .
Jo cry out Ann said the pain will go soon Steve was just standing there then I felt there pain John told me that it would go after bit I felt John start to move I looked at Steve he also was moving my pain was going and it felt nice ji was asked if she was ok yes if felt nice Ann and Pat gone out from under us John and Steve was fucking us Ann sat on the sofa legs wide open Pat was putting something on it looked like a cock then she gote between Ann’s legs and pushed it up her it was about 10 inches big and 3 inches round Ann said something in Spanish Pat was really fucking her .
I see that Steve was playing with jo cunt jo was really moaning.
John put his hand on my cock and was rubbing in said to me go on come I was so close John got Quicker then he push right in me and stopped I felt him coming inside me that sent me over the top and I came Steve put his hand under my cock and got a lot of my come in his hand he was still fucking jo John pulled out he told me to move to Jo’s head she had her eyes closed John took my hand Steve dropped the come of his hand onto mine the John said give it to jo let her lick it up he put my hand by Jo’s mouth and told her to lick it up jo opened her eyes Steve said something in Spanish
John said to jo quick lick it up so jo put her mouth right over the come and sucked it up just as Steve pushed right into jo she cry out Steve just stood there speaking in Spanish jo said it fills nice and warm .
Ann cryed out yes her breathing was very heavily pat got out from between her legs took off the thing .
We all sat around they asked us if we were OK jo said she was a bit sore
I said I was as well at got some cream and she and Ann put some on our bums said said she would give Ann some cream and over that next few day she would put it on for us .
I said to John in school the older boy talked about a lady’s clit what is that they all laughed both Ann and Pat opened there legs pull open there cunts and showed us there clit they told us to rub them we did they got big Ann said you can suck them and that will make us come Steve and John said go on so we look at each other and bent down and started to suck the they put there hand on our head and was tell us what to do both Steve and John was standing next to there wife Ann cryed out I’m coming at that John put his cock right by her clit told me to move way but stay close he come all over Ann clit then told me to suck it Ann gradded my head pull in right onto her clit I suck John’s come jo did the same to Pat.
Afterwards Ann said we better get back home to your mother you must not say a word about what’s happened ok we said and we left with Ann John stayed .