Horny Guys Both of Them Enjoying with Her

Horny Guys Both of Them Enjoying with Her
How had it come to this? Certainly, nothing in my past life had prepared me for what was happening now. I’d had a very conventional up bringing with no experience of poedophilia whatsoever. Yet, here I was, working all hours as a cleaner in the children’s home with the sole intention of finding a child to abduct so my darling husband could ravish her in the privacy of our own home. Surely, I should have been repulsed by all this and yet, out of love for my John, I’d come to embrace it. Indeed, as I went about my daily cleaning duties, children often came and embraced me too and I quickly acquired a taste for it; for the feel of juvenile bodies pressing against me, boys and girls alike. I delighted in their innocence and took advantage of it to feel the soft, smoothness of their skin on my hands, even as I evaluated them as possible victims for my husband’s lust.
The criteria John had set was a simple one. The child had to be between ten and twelve years of age, female and cute. I, however, had added one other stipulation; the child had to be so used to being raped that she’d simply accept my husband fucking her for a bag of sweets and not tell a soul about it. This was the tricky bit. I could have waltzed off with any number of little darlings but I just couldn’t guarantee the silence of any of them. Days turned to weeks and weeks to a month but still I had no joy in finding the right girl. The boys were finding me alright though. Adolescent hands were all over me whenever there were no other members of staff around to see and I came to thoroughly enjoy this. In their own childish way, these boys were worshipping me as a woman and what woman doesn’t get a thrill out of being worshipped.
Everyday, I had to run the gauntlet of cleaning the boy’s toilet. Numerous little finger sized stiff pricks were flashed at me over time. Generally, I just ignored them and carried on cleaning but occasionally, curiosity got the better of me and I’d cop a quick feel, just for devilment. The older boys were another kettle of fish altogether however. If they got their cocks out, they generally meant business. After my first couple of rapes, I ceased to think of it as being raped and instead began to consider it a personal service I was rendering to these poor unfortunate children. My mouth became a connoisseur of adolescent cock and cum. I took to carrying a packet of strong mints around with me to mask the telling aroma on my breath.
So I ask again, how had it come to this? This being the fact that I was now a more active pedophile than my husband ever had been. I had become sexually addicted to children and I was abso-fucking-lutely loving it.
One fateful day, a fifteen year old girl winked at me. This was a first. On impulse, I winked back and smiled. The girl returned my smile, walked over to me and said “I like you.”
What else could I say but “I like you too, Suzy.”
“No Jennifer, you don’t understand; I really like you” she said, staring at my breasts as she said it. “Do you like me” she added?
“Well, yes, Susy, you’re er lovely!”
“Would you like to come to bed with me?”
The word yes leapt into my head in an instant but the dormatories always had members of staff checking them throughout the day so this would definitely be a risk too far. But then a thought occurred so mind bogglingly brilliant that I almost wet myself. I really needed to handle this most delicately if this was ever going to work. I’d have to choose my words really carefully so as not to spook my potential lesbian lover. ( Lesbian lover: that thought had me wetting myself in a completely different way