tiny teen cutie takes my huge cock in her

I thought a lady was coming onto me but it turns out she’s trying to set me up with a 17 year old girl.
It’s that time of the year where I like to go out and get my Christmas tree, little did I know a tree isn’t the only thing I’ll be picking up. There’s a nice place 10 minutes from my house that I go to every year, the trees are always of good quality and the people are nice so I give them the business over some fuck heads. I’m walking around the lot and noticed a lady eying me up and down while smiling, she looks to be in her late 30’s and is really pretty, now I’m 29 so she’s just at the end of the age limit of girls I like to date. I found the tree I want and now that lady is looking at the tree next to me still looking at me. I bought my tree and loaded it up into my truck. The lady finally came over to me and introduced herself to me saying her name is Lisa, she asked if I could help her with her tree. I didn’t wanna be rude so I accepted to help her.
As I’m carrying the tree to her car she told me “you know you’re very cute, how old are you?” I told her thank you and I’m 29. Then she asked me how tall I was so I told her I’m 6’3. Lisa said “ooohh that’s perfect! I love it!!” I’m a little shy so I just smiled and thanked her again while trying to get the tree on her car. I asked her if she had any tie downs or anything to strap the tree to her roof but she didn’t have anything. Then Lisa said “I noticed you have a truck, would you mind terribly putting my tree in your truck and taking it to my house please?” I said “oh idk about that miss, I got some stuff I’d like to take care of today..” She replied back with “oh come on prettty please I promise to reward you with a nice little treat” as she squinted her eyes and bit her lip. In my head i automatically thought she meant having sex with me or giving me a blowjob considering how she’s been looking at my this whole time and how she’s been talking to me, not gonna lie it’s been a long time since I’ve had sex so I agreed to take her tree to her house with that hope in mind.
I said to her “well I guess I’ll just follow you home then?” Lisa said back “if it’s okay with you I’ll just drive with you in your truck.” “Uhh I guess that’s okay but what about your car here?” I said. She told me she’ll worry about that later. Dam maybe she’s gonna suck my cock in the car on the way to her place I’m thinking, that’d be sick as fuck. Both trees are in the bed of my truck and I’m off to her place. As she was directing me where to go she started asking me some questions, some quite personal. First she asked me if I have a girlfriend to which I said no, then she asked me when was my last relationship so I told her a couple years ago which made her smile. Then she asked me when the last time I had sex was, a little out of pocket question to ask a stranger so I was a little uncomfortable. I told Lisa it’s been about a year since I had sex last, then for some reason she asked how old the girl I last had sex with was, so I told her she was 27.. it seemed like my answers made her happy for some reason.
After her last question it was a bit of an awkward silence so I asked her how much farther to her place, she said “not much further now, don’t be all hasty now.. there’s something I really wanna show you and I just know you’re gonna love it.” I’d occasionally look over at Lisa sitting in the passenger seat looking all pretty, the smell of her perfume filled the cabin and into my nostrils and got my heart racing in anticipation of possibly fucking her. As we’ve been driving she’s been texting someone, every minute her phone would ding and she’d reply back. Finally got to her place, she lives in an apartment complex somewhat near me, it’s not the nicest but it’s not the worst around. I parked and went to get her tree but she told me to leave it for now and to just come inside so she can give me her treat, well la di da she sure is in a hurry. We get inside and after I closed the door she stared at me for a moment smiling again and then said out loud “SOPHIE COME DOWNSTAIRS.”
I was quite confused but soon it would all become clear. A few seconds later someone came walking down the stairs and OH MY GOD, it was a very short very young girl standing before me. Lisa said “this is what, or who I wanted you to see… isn’t she just so darn beautiful???” I didn’t know what to do or think so I just nervously said “y y yea..”. Sophie came up to me smiling and reached her hand out, I slowly put my hand up to take hers and shook it saying “I’m James… it’s nice to meet you” my voice was cracking with anxiety, Sophie said “nice to meet too, I’m Sophie”. I’m still nervously shaking her hand and couldn’t help but notice how small and how soft her hand felt in my larger rougher calloused hand. After that awkward introduction Lisa said “okayyy so I’ll just leave you two together and I’m gonna go make some dinner for us”. I’m actually in shock right now, so many things are flooding through my mind and I’m actually freaking out inside my head.
I was dam near having a panic attack so I asked them if I could use their bathroom for a moment. They said of course and told me where it was. I bolted right to the bathroom, turned on the ceiling fan and started hitting my vape. Holy fucking shit, is Lisa actually trying to set me up with Sophie??? This girl has got to be like 16-17 years old, what mother would ever set up their young daughter with a guy my age?? This is unbelievable, I can’t believe this is happening right now. I’m power hitting my vape trying to calm my nerves. I’m staring at the wall thinking of what to do, I’m thinking I should just make up an excuse and get the fuck out of here, like it’s illegal for me to be with a girl like Sophie, I haven’t been with a minor since I was one myself, like this is absolutely nuts!! After a few good minutes I calmed myself down and told myself I’m leaving. I got out of the bathroom and Sophie was outside and asked me if I was okay. I was just about to tell her I’m not feeling well and I’m gonna go but then..
With a clearer head I got a better look at Sophie and realized she truly is beautiful, she’s probly like 4’11, has short black hair that’s just above her shoulders that’s being held back with a small headband, an absolutely gorgeous face, she’s got a nice tan complexion, small titties I’d guess an A cup, but she has an amazing flat belly, I can see it with her wearing a crop top shirt showing her belly button, she’s also wearing some tight little shorts and can see she’s got some sexy wide hips in proportion to her skinny waist and fuck she has beautiful legs, like no lie she has some amazing legs, they’re nice and toned but a little thicc at the same time with how short she is and her calves are nice and well defined. I noticed Sophie is barefoot too and she has some gorgeous little feet.
She could tell I wasn’t feeling well and asked me to sit down on the couch while she went to fetch me some water. She came back with the water and sat just inches away from me. Sophie asked me “is everything okay James?” I just came right out with it and told her I don’t know what’s going on. Sophie looked at me all puzzled. I asked Sophie how old she was and she said she’s 17, I told her I’m 29 and waited for her reaction but she just said “so what’s the problem?” I had to ask her “you don’t think it’s weird that your mom is trying to set you up with a guy who’s twice your age?” Sophie said “well for one Lisa isn’t my mom she’s my aunt, and two no I actually don’t think it’s weird but I do think you’re really cute and sweet for thinking that, it means you’re a nice person, some guys would try their best to not point that out so thank you”. Part of me know this is all wrong but after talking to Sophie I feel a little better, something about Sophie helps put me at ease.
I asked her “you really think I’m cute?” And Sophie said back “I think you’re very cute yes” as her big green eyes widened with a grin. She then snuggled up closer to me so her legs were touching mine, I can feel the heat emanate from her body onto me. We sat and watched tv for the next 30 minutes, she leaned her head onto my shoulders, oh my god I can’t believe I’m in this situation, there are millions of guys who would kill to be here with a girl like Sophie but right now I’m him. Lisa called to us that dinner was ready and to go to the table, she made chicken Alfredo and it smelled delicious. They had a small square dinner table and I was sitting across from Sophie. Lisa truly has no filter and came right out and asked me “so what do you think of Sophie James?” Sophie said “omg shut up auntie Lisa!” I cleared my throat and said “you’re right Sophie is really beautiful” which made Sophie blush, her tan cheeks turned cherry red. As we were eating I felt a small foot graze my leg which traveled down to my feet and she began to play footsies with me.
After dinner Sophie invited me up to her room. As I entered an amazing scent hit me in the face, it was the smell of some body spray mixed with some sort of a fruity smell, it was intoxicating. She had purple walls and all sorts of rock lamps lighting up the room, her bed was quite large and had a furry black blanket over the top and on her dresser was a large stuffed teddy bear facing her bed. I went to go pick it up but she told me not to touch it, she said it was a gift and is special to her. There was nowhere to sit but her bed so I sat down on the edge. She turned the tv on and went to lay down all the way. Sophie told me I can lay down next to her if I want. I’m still really skeptical but I worked up the courage to slowly lay down beside her. Sophie said “I can tell you’re nervous James but you don’t need to be, I really like you” she went to place her hand on my face as she’s laying on her side facing me, her hand is so soft and warm on my cheek I closed my eyes and all my nervousness washed away.
And then I felt the bed move as she leaned into me and kissed me. My eyes are still closed and I can feel her small supple lips collide with mine and I instinctively kissed her back. First it was just a couple tap kisses and then it went to long kiss and then at the same time we opened our mouthes and started to make out. I can’t believe I’m making out with a girl half my age right now holy shit. I slowly went to place my hand upon her waist, I could feel how soft and smooth her skin is it’s incredible. I just kept my hand still too afraid to move it anywhere else but then she took my hand and moved it to her ass. When she let go of my hand I grabbed that fat ass with all my might, my hand sunk right in and could feel all the squish in the world, fuck her ass is nice and juicy. We’re making out harder now and holy fuck is my dick the hardest it’s ever been. I moved my hand down a little bit to her legs and rubbed her silky thighs, they feel fresh shaven or even waxed maybe. She was moving her hips back and forth as I touched her and making out and I had the feeling she wanted me to touch her in other places but I’m still nervous, I’m in uncharted territory here, the youngest girl I ever been with was only 6 years younger than me not 15.
After about ten minutes she pulled away from me and said “I understand you’re not ready yet and that’s okay, just sit back and relax”. She pushed me over on my back and started to kiss my neck, I could feel her saliva all over me. Then she went to pull my shirt off me, she grabbed the bottom and tugged it off. She sat up for a second and took her shirt off, oh my fuckkkkkk she’s topless now, I can see her little titties and sexy belly now I was practically drooling. She climbed back on me and started to kiss my chest, she actually sucked my nipples for a few seconds and it felt really good. Then she worked her way down to my below my bellow button kissing me along the way. Oh my god oh my god on my goddd is she about to do what I think she is?? She started to unbutton my pants and then Sophie bluntly asked me “you ever have a 17 year old girl suck your cock?” I can’t believe she just said that, but she answered my question.
My pants are unbuttoned and unzipped and now she’s pulling my pants off. Once my pants were off I was just in my boxers, my hard cock was sticking up and very visible, Sophie said “you got a big dick James”. Then I felt her hands dig into my boxers and started to pull them down, now I was laying completely naked feeling her furry blanket under my ass and balls. I can feel her small hand grab the base of my cock and her fingers are so small they can barely wrap around my girth. I’m scared to look so my eyes are closed but then I feel a slight lick go up my cock, it made my whole body jolt up. Then I felt a more pronounced lick and then another and another. She’s licking my cock like it’s a vanilla ice cream cone on a hot summer day, it feels amazing. She just licks away for the first couple minutes then I felt her move up a little and took the tip of my dick in her mouth and suck the top like a jolly rancher. I could feel a very small wet mouth just sucking the head of my cock and fuck it feels great.
And then out of nowhere she went and blindsided me, all of a sudden she went down all the way on my cock and deepthroated me in one fell swoop. I went from having just an inch of my dick get sucked and wet to the whole thing in like a second. I took me by such surprise and felt so fucking good I just had to open my eyes and look down. Holy fucking shit I couldn’t believe my eyes, like I actually had to flutter my eyes for a second in case I really wasn’t seeing what I was seeing. I saw this amazing short very young topless girl sucking my cock, dam is she the sexiest girl I ever saw, her tan skin was glistening from her glowing rock lamps. And then she started going ham on me. She was legit sucking my cock now full on deepthroating me. She’d start all the way at the top and go all the way down til her nose smushed up against my body. I could feel how tight her mouth is and I actually could feel the moment my cock entered her throat when she went down far enough, it was like a secondary mouth that started to suck my cock.
At first I couldn’t look but now I can’t look away, my cock is 6.5 inches and she’s sucking it all root and stem. With her small head and throat I don’t understand how she can take it all. There’s such magnificent suction there’s not one millimeter of wasted space in her mouth. Each time she’d go down on me her cheeks would puff out and each time she’d bottom out she’d make this lovely moaning sound as if giving me please also gave her pleasure. It’s been like three minutes since she really started to suck my cock and she hasn’t let up once, she’s going strong like a steam engine. I’ve had my share of blowjobs before but this one takes the cake by far, but is it cuz she’s just that good at blowjobs or cuz it’s just wild that a 17 year old girl is sucking my cock? Normally I last over 10 minutes but I’m about to pop any second. I told Sophie I’m close to cumming and she started sucking me even harder, she’s now using her hand doing this twist jerk motion with her mouth for an extra added layer of stimulation. I reached out and grabbed her slender arm to brace my self for the inevitable cumsplosion, I just can’t believe this right now, a couple hours ago I would’ve never guess this was gonna be how my night went it’s truly unbelievable, I went out for a Christmas tree but I ended up getting a blowjob from the hottest little teen I ever met.
My jaw is completely hanging off my face, my body trembling and my eyes are twitching. I feel like Sophie is performing an exorcism on me sucking the demons from my body out of my cock. This is it now, I’m really about to bust, I start calling out Sophie’s name like “Sophie, Sophie, Sophie uhhh fuckk Sophie!” I look at her one last time seeing her tight little lips wrapped around my cock, I squeezed her arm even tighter and I thrusted my hips up in her mouth and started to cum deep into her throat, her eyes began to tear up, my balls were shaking and my asshole was puckering, I could feel I was cumming so much and as I was cumming she stayed still as she was swallowing my cum and with each pulse of cum I was depositing I felt her throat tighten and contract over my cock, I could actually hear the sound of her swallowing my cum like *gulp gulp gulp* it was so sexy. I continuously came for 7 seconds straight right into some top tier teenie throat. With my last rope of cum my body gave out and collapsed on the bed as I laid motionless.
Sophie kept my cock in her throat for a few more seconds after and looked into my eyes as if she was surprised how much she made me cum. She lifted her head off me and not one drop of cum spilled and went to waste, she got all of it in her belly now. “Wow, that was a lot of cum” as she stood up sitting her with legs and feet tucked under her ass wiping the spit off her mouth with the backside of her hand. I told her I was sorry if it was too much but that was the best blowjob I ever had, Sophie chuckled and said “no don’t be it was hot as fuck I’m glad you liked it”. She laid down beside me and I wrapped my arm around her little body and cuddled her running my hands along the smooth of her skin.
I stayed for another half hour with her and then had to leave cuz I have work in the morning. I took her number and kissed her goodbye and gave her a long hug with her still topless and could feel her little titties smushing against me. The whole drive home I replayed the events that just transpired and still couldn’t believe a 17 year old girl give me a blowjob, this is so unlike me, I would’ve never thought in a million years something like this would happen but it did and the fact my dick is basically glued to my leg from the stickiness of her spit is proof it’s real. I can’t wait to see her again.
It’s that time of the year where I like to go out and get my Christmas tree, little did I know a tree isn’t the only thing I’ll be picking up. There’s a nice place 10 minutes from my house that I go to every year, the trees are always of good quality and the people are nice so I give them the business over some fuck heads. I’m walking around the lot and noticed a lady eying me up and down while smiling, she looks to be in her late 30’s and is really pretty, now I’m 29 so she’s just at the end of the age limit of girls I like to date. I found the tree I want and now that lady is looking at the tree next to me still looking at me. I bought my tree and loaded it up into my truck. The lady finally came over to me and introduced herself to me saying her name is Lisa, she asked if I could help her with her tree. I didn’t wanna be rude so I accepted to help her.
As I’m carrying the tree to her car she told me “you know you’re very cute, how old are you?” I told her thank you and I’m 29. Then she asked me how tall I was so I told her I’m 6’3. Lisa said “ooohh that’s perfect! I love it!!” I’m a little shy so I just smiled and thanked her again while trying to get the tree on her car. I asked her if she had any tie downs or anything to strap the tree to her roof but she didn’t have anything. Then Lisa said “I noticed you have a truck, would you mind terribly putting my tree in your truck and taking it to my house please?” I said “oh idk about that miss, I got some stuff I’d like to take care of today..” She replied back with “oh come on prettty please I promise to reward you with a nice little treat” as she squinted her eyes and bit her lip. In my head i automatically thought she meant having sex with me or giving me a blowjob considering how she’s been looking at my this whole time and how she’s been talking to me, not gonna lie it’s been a long time since I’ve had sex so I agreed to take her tree to her house with that hope in mind.
I said to her “well I guess I’ll just follow you home then?” Lisa said back “if it’s okay with you I’ll just drive with you in your truck.” “Uhh I guess that’s okay but what about your car here?” I said. She told me she’ll worry about that later. Dam maybe she’s gonna suck my cock in the car on the way to her place I’m thinking, that’d be sick as fuck. Both trees are in the bed of my truck and I’m off to her place. As she was directing me where to go she started asking me some questions, some quite personal. First she asked me if I have a girlfriend to which I said no, then she asked me when was my last relationship so I told her a couple years ago which made her smile. Then she asked me when the last time I had sex was, a little out of pocket question to ask a stranger so I was a little uncomfortable. I told Lisa it’s been about a year since I had sex last, then for some reason she asked how old the girl I last had sex with was, so I told her she was 27.. it seemed like my answers made her happy for some reason.
After her last question it was a bit of an awkward silence so I asked her how much farther to her place, she said “not much further now, don’t be all hasty now.. there’s something I really wanna show you and I just know you’re gonna love it.” I’d occasionally look over at Lisa sitting in the passenger seat looking all pretty, the smell of her perfume filled the cabin and into my nostrils and got my heart racing in anticipation of possibly fucking her. As we’ve been driving she’s been texting someone, every minute her phone would ding and she’d reply back. Finally got to her place, she lives in an apartment complex somewhat near me, it’s not the nicest but it’s not the worst around. I parked and went to get her tree but she told me to leave it for now and to just come inside so she can give me her treat, well la di da she sure is in a hurry. We get inside and after I closed the door she stared at me for a moment smiling again and then said out loud “SOPHIE COME DOWNSTAIRS.”
I was quite confused but soon it would all become clear. A few seconds later someone came walking down the stairs and OH MY GOD, it was a very short very young girl standing before me. Lisa said “this is what, or who I wanted you to see… isn’t she just so darn beautiful???” I didn’t know what to do or think so I just nervously said “y y yea..”. Sophie came up to me smiling and reached her hand out, I slowly put my hand up to take hers and shook it saying “I’m James… it’s nice to meet you” my voice was cracking with anxiety, Sophie said “nice to meet too, I’m Sophie”. I’m still nervously shaking her hand and couldn’t help but notice how small and how soft her hand felt in my larger rougher calloused hand. After that awkward introduction Lisa said “okayyy so I’ll just leave you two together and I’m gonna go make some dinner for us”. I’m actually in shock right now, so many things are flooding through my mind and I’m actually freaking out inside my head.
I was dam near having a panic attack so I asked them if I could use their bathroom for a moment. They said of course and told me where it was. I bolted right to the bathroom, turned on the ceiling fan and started hitting my vape. Holy fucking shit, is Lisa actually trying to set me up with Sophie??? This girl has got to be like 16-17 years old, what mother would ever set up their young daughter with a guy my age?? This is unbelievable, I can’t believe this is happening right now. I’m power hitting my vape trying to calm my nerves. I’m staring at the wall thinking of what to do, I’m thinking I should just make up an excuse and get the fuck out of here, like it’s illegal for me to be with a girl like Sophie, I haven’t been with a minor since I was one myself, like this is absolutely nuts!! After a few good minutes I calmed myself down and told myself I’m leaving. I got out of the bathroom and Sophie was outside and asked me if I was okay. I was just about to tell her I’m not feeling well and I’m gonna go but then..
With a clearer head I got a better look at Sophie and realized she truly is beautiful, she’s probly like 4’11, has short black hair that’s just above her shoulders that’s being held back with a small headband, an absolutely gorgeous face, she’s got a nice tan complexion, small titties I’d guess an A cup, but she has an amazing flat belly, I can see it with her wearing a crop top shirt showing her belly button, she’s also wearing some tight little shorts and can see she’s got some sexy wide hips in proportion to her skinny waist and fuck she has beautiful legs, like no lie she has some amazing legs, they’re nice and toned but a little thicc at the same time with how short she is and her calves are nice and well defined. I noticed Sophie is barefoot too and she has some gorgeous little feet.
She could tell I wasn’t feeling well and asked me to sit down on the couch while she went to fetch me some water. She came back with the water and sat just inches away from me. Sophie asked me “is everything okay James?” I just came right out with it and told her I don’t know what’s going on. Sophie looked at me all puzzled. I asked Sophie how old she was and she said she’s 17, I told her I’m 29 and waited for her reaction but she just said “so what’s the problem?” I had to ask her “you don’t think it’s weird that your mom is trying to set you up with a guy who’s twice your age?” Sophie said “well for one Lisa isn’t my mom she’s my aunt, and two no I actually don’t think it’s weird but I do think you’re really cute and sweet for thinking that, it means you’re a nice person, some guys would try their best to not point that out so thank you”. Part of me know this is all wrong but after talking to Sophie I feel a little better, something about Sophie helps put me at ease.
I asked her “you really think I’m cute?” And Sophie said back “I think you’re very cute yes” as her big green eyes widened with a grin. She then snuggled up closer to me so her legs were touching mine, I can feel the heat emanate from her body onto me. We sat and watched tv for the next 30 minutes, she leaned her head onto my shoulders, oh my god I can’t believe I’m in this situation, there are millions of guys who would kill to be here with a girl like Sophie but right now I’m him. Lisa called to us that dinner was ready and to go to the table, she made chicken Alfredo and it smelled delicious. They had a small square dinner table and I was sitting across from Sophie. Lisa truly has no filter and came right out and asked me “so what do you think of Sophie James?” Sophie said “omg shut up auntie Lisa!” I cleared my throat and said “you’re right Sophie is really beautiful” which made Sophie blush, her tan cheeks turned cherry red. As we were eating I felt a small foot graze my leg which traveled down to my feet and she began to play footsies with me.
After dinner Sophie invited me up to her room. As I entered an amazing scent hit me in the face, it was the smell of some body spray mixed with some sort of a fruity smell, it was intoxicating. She had purple walls and all sorts of rock lamps lighting up the room, her bed was quite large and had a furry black blanket over the top and on her dresser was a large stuffed teddy bear facing her bed. I went to go pick it up but she told me not to touch it, she said it was a gift and is special to her. There was nowhere to sit but her bed so I sat down on the edge. She turned the tv on and went to lay down all the way. Sophie told me I can lay down next to her if I want. I’m still really skeptical but I worked up the courage to slowly lay down beside her. Sophie said “I can tell you’re nervous James but you don’t need to be, I really like you” she went to place her hand on my face as she’s laying on her side facing me, her hand is so soft and warm on my cheek I closed my eyes and all my nervousness washed away.
And then I felt the bed move as she leaned into me and kissed me. My eyes are still closed and I can feel her small supple lips collide with mine and I instinctively kissed her back. First it was just a couple tap kisses and then it went to long kiss and then at the same time we opened our mouthes and started to make out. I can’t believe I’m making out with a girl half my age right now holy shit. I slowly went to place my hand upon her waist, I could feel how soft and smooth her skin is it’s incredible. I just kept my hand still too afraid to move it anywhere else but then she took my hand and moved it to her ass. When she let go of my hand I grabbed that fat ass with all my might, my hand sunk right in and could feel all the squish in the world, fuck her ass is nice and juicy. We’re making out harder now and holy fuck is my dick the hardest it’s ever been. I moved my hand down a little bit to her legs and rubbed her silky thighs, they feel fresh shaven or even waxed maybe. She was moving her hips back and forth as I touched her and making out and I had the feeling she wanted me to touch her in other places but I’m still nervous, I’m in uncharted territory here, the youngest girl I ever been with was only 6 years younger than me not 15.
After about ten minutes she pulled away from me and said “I understand you’re not ready yet and that’s okay, just sit back and relax”. She pushed me over on my back and started to kiss my neck, I could feel her saliva all over me. Then she went to pull my shirt off me, she grabbed the bottom and tugged it off. She sat up for a second and took her shirt off, oh my fuckkkkkk she’s topless now, I can see her little titties and sexy belly now I was practically drooling. She climbed back on me and started to kiss my chest, she actually sucked my nipples for a few seconds and it felt really good. Then she worked her way down to my below my bellow button kissing me along the way. Oh my god oh my god on my goddd is she about to do what I think she is?? She started to unbutton my pants and then Sophie bluntly asked me “you ever have a 17 year old girl suck your cock?” I can’t believe she just said that, but she answered my question.
My pants are unbuttoned and unzipped and now she’s pulling my pants off. Once my pants were off I was just in my boxers, my hard cock was sticking up and very visible, Sophie said “you got a big dick James”. Then I felt her hands dig into my boxers and started to pull them down, now I was laying completely naked feeling her furry blanket under my ass and balls. I can feel her small hand grab the base of my cock and her fingers are so small they can barely wrap around my girth. I’m scared to look so my eyes are closed but then I feel a slight lick go up my cock, it made my whole body jolt up. Then I felt a more pronounced lick and then another and another. She’s licking my cock like it’s a vanilla ice cream cone on a hot summer day, it feels amazing. She just licks away for the first couple minutes then I felt her move up a little and took the tip of my dick in her mouth and suck the top like a jolly rancher. I could feel a very small wet mouth just sucking the head of my cock and fuck it feels great.
And then out of nowhere she went and blindsided me, all of a sudden she went down all the way on my cock and deepthroated me in one fell swoop. I went from having just an inch of my dick get sucked and wet to the whole thing in like a second. I took me by such surprise and felt so fucking good I just had to open my eyes and look down. Holy fucking shit I couldn’t believe my eyes, like I actually had to flutter my eyes for a second in case I really wasn’t seeing what I was seeing. I saw this amazing short very young topless girl sucking my cock, dam is she the sexiest girl I ever saw, her tan skin was glistening from her glowing rock lamps. And then she started going ham on me. She was legit sucking my cock now full on deepthroating me. She’d start all the way at the top and go all the way down til her nose smushed up against my body. I could feel how tight her mouth is and I actually could feel the moment my cock entered her throat when she went down far enough, it was like a secondary mouth that started to suck my cock.
At first I couldn’t look but now I can’t look away, my cock is 6.5 inches and she’s sucking it all root and stem. With her small head and throat I don’t understand how she can take it all. There’s such magnificent suction there’s not one millimeter of wasted space in her mouth. Each time she’d go down on me her cheeks would puff out and each time she’d bottom out she’d make this lovely moaning sound as if giving me please also gave her pleasure. It’s been like three minutes since she really started to suck my cock and she hasn’t let up once, she’s going strong like a steam engine. I’ve had my share of blowjobs before but this one takes the cake by far, but is it cuz she’s just that good at blowjobs or cuz it’s just wild that a 17 year old girl is sucking my cock? Normally I last over 10 minutes but I’m about to pop any second. I told Sophie I’m close to cumming and she started sucking me even harder, she’s now using her hand doing this twist jerk motion with her mouth for an extra added layer of stimulation. I reached out and grabbed her slender arm to brace my self for the inevitable cumsplosion, I just can’t believe this right now, a couple hours ago I would’ve never guess this was gonna be how my night went it’s truly unbelievable, I went out for a Christmas tree but I ended up getting a blowjob from the hottest little teen I ever met.
My jaw is completely hanging off my face, my body trembling and my eyes are twitching. I feel like Sophie is performing an exorcism on me sucking the demons from my body out of my cock. This is it now, I’m really about to bust, I start calling out Sophie’s name like “Sophie, Sophie, Sophie uhhh fuckk Sophie!” I look at her one last time seeing her tight little lips wrapped around my cock, I squeezed her arm even tighter and I thrusted my hips up in her mouth and started to cum deep into her throat, her eyes began to tear up, my balls were shaking and my asshole was puckering, I could feel I was cumming so much and as I was cumming she stayed still as she was swallowing my cum and with each pulse of cum I was depositing I felt her throat tighten and contract over my cock, I could actually hear the sound of her swallowing my cum like *gulp gulp gulp* it was so sexy. I continuously came for 7 seconds straight right into some top tier teenie throat. With my last rope of cum my body gave out and collapsed on the bed as I laid motionless.
Sophie kept my cock in her throat for a few more seconds after and looked into my eyes as if she was surprised how much she made me cum. She lifted her head off me and not one drop of cum spilled and went to waste, she got all of it in her belly now. “Wow, that was a lot of cum” as she stood up sitting her with legs and feet tucked under her ass wiping the spit off her mouth with the backside of her hand. I told her I was sorry if it was too much but that was the best blowjob I ever had, Sophie chuckled and said “no don’t be it was hot as fuck I’m glad you liked it”. She laid down beside me and I wrapped my arm around her little body and cuddled her running my hands along the smooth of her skin.
I stayed for another half hour with her and then had to leave cuz I have work in the morning. I took her number and kissed her goodbye and gave her a long hug with her still topless and could feel her little titties smushing against me. The whole drive home I replayed the events that just transpired and still couldn’t believe a 17 year old girl give me a blowjob, this is so unlike me, I would’ve never thought in a million years something like this would happen but it did and the fact my dick is basically glued to my leg from the stickiness of her spit is proof it’s real. I can’t wait to see her again.